HBH Prize Reception 2015

The HBH Foundation awards a marketing prize worth up to DKK 100,000 to a Danish company. Also, a Troubleshooter Prize will be awarded for an outstanding master thesis written by a CBS student.

Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 15:00 to 17:00

Please notice: The location has been changed to Råvarebygningen PHRs20, Porcelænshaven

Every year, the HBH Foundation awards a marketing prize worth up to DKK 100,000 in collaboration with CBS to a company, which "in its marketing of a product or idea has attracted favourable notice through a well thought-out analysis and strategy".

Behind the award is Henrik Bødtcher-Hansen, who established the company H. B. Hansen A/S shortly after World War II and made HBH a household name within electric appliances.

The winner in 2014 was JBS.

This year CBS' President Per Holten-Andersen will announce the winner 29 October 2015 from 3pm in Råvarebygningen PHRs20, Porcelænshaven

Along with the HBH prize, a Troubleshooter Prize will be awarded for an outstanding master thesis written by a CBS student in dialogue with last year's winner JBS.

At the event, the award winning company will also be announced and there will be a Q&A session, where the audience can learn more about the thesis themes posed by the award winning company for 2016.

Find more information about the thesis co-operation here

3.00pm-3.10pm    Welcome - Per Holten-Andersen
3.10pm-3.20pm    About the theses – Jan Christensen, JBS
3.20pm-3.30pm    Awards - Mads Bødtcher-Hansen, HBH Foundation & Jan Christensen, JBS
3.30pm-3.40pm    Case company 2016 - Mogens Bjerre
3.40pm-4.00pm    Company presentation - facilitated by Peter Møllgaard
4.00pm-5.00pm    Reception

The page was last edited by: Communications // 12/17/2017