Job Night

Did you recently graduate or is graduation close? Then your work career is just around the corner. Join Job Night on 20 September, 17:30-20:00 for an evening where we spotlight how you land your first full-time job after graduation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - 17:30 to 20:00

The job competition among new graduates has never been fiercer. Due to the new study progress reform, graduate students finish their studies quicker and in 2016/17 almost double the amount of students will graduate compared to previous years. The competitive situation makes it important to start the job search process as early as possible, but what does it take to land the first full-time job?

Join CBS Career Centre and a range of inspirational speakers as they share their perspectives, personal stories and suggest how you can boost your own job search.


Landing your dream job, launching your career
(Lotte Hjortlund Andersen, HR Director, TDC)

The power of the CBS generalist
(Martin Holm, Executive Search Consultant, Heidrick & Struggles)

The headhunter’s perspective: Focus on your value contribution
(Simon Bach Nielsen, Chief Management Consultant, Mercuri Urval)

The entrepreneurial job searcher
(Kasper Hulthin, co-founder, Peakon)

Your passion and professional contribution
(Nina Kenney, CEO, FranklinCovey Danmark)

The night will be wrapped up with a panel debate facilitated by Wenche Marit Quist, Research and Education Policy Manager, Djøf.

Sign-up and read more about the event.

Job Night is for current CBS graduate students and CBS Alumni.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017