Refugees and the Transformation of Societies: A Roundtable Discussion

The CBS Public-Private Platform, the cluster on Diversity & Difference and the European Haniel Program on Entrepreneurship & the Humanities are happy to invite you to roundtable discussion on the topic: 'Refugees and the Transformation of Society'.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 14:30 to 17:30

The CBS Public-Private Platform, the cluster on Diversity and Difference and the European Haniel Program on Entrepreneurship & the Humanities are happy to invite you to a roundtable discussion on the topic Refugees and the Transformation of Society. Following the event, the journal ‘Ephemera ­ theory & politics in organization’ will announce a call for papers for a special issue focusing on the topics of the roundtable discussion.

In the roundtable discussion seven activists and scholars introduce their take on refugees and the transformation of societies. We invite them ­and everyone wishing to join ­ to share their concerns and thoughts about the current refugee situation, and to consider how the business school as an institution can facilitate debate, critique and, possibly, intervention.
The  panelists are:
Professor Philomena Essed, Antioch University
Max Schellmann, Copenhagen Business School
Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, Institute for Human Rights / Global CSR
Line Søgaard, Welcome to Denmark
Khaterah Parwani, Exitcirklen
Mikkel Flyverbom, CBS/Social Science across Boarders
Professor Martin Parker, University of Leicester

Registration, program and more information
Can be found here. Participation is free of charge and open to all interested, but seats are limited.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 06/13/2018