CBS in May

Should human rights play a role in responsible business? Who wrote the best international PhD on finance? What’s happening to the quality of education in the university sector after the most recent cutbacks? CBS has exciting events on the calendar in the month of May.

Panel debate on quality education in the future
Ulla Tørnæs
The relationship between human rights and responsible business
Business and human rights
Den levende kroppen
International PhD award
Phd Winners

Panel debate on quality education in the future
Is quality education at CBS still possible after the recent cutbacks in higher education? Minister for Higher Education and Science, Ulla Tørnæs (Left Party), will visit CBS to take part in a panel debate on quality education, the new cutbacks in this area and the government’s future plans for the university sector. In addition to Tørnæs, the panel will comprise, for instance, the Dean of Education Jan Molin and the vice president of CBS Students Thomas Philipsen. CBS Students is hosting the debate and there will be a Q&A session with the panel.

Time and place
3 May 2016 16:40-18:15
SPs10, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
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Conference on the relationship between human rights and responsible business
What significance do human rights have in responsible business? This is just one of several issues that will be discussed at the conference, whose goal is to provide greater insight into the relationship between human rights and responsible business. Presentations will be given by Dr Michael Addo, who is a member of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and an associate professor at Exeter University; Maria Anne van Dijk, who is Head of Environmental, Social and Ethical Risk and Policy at ABN AMRO ; and Björn Fasterling, who is a professor at EDHEC Business School. The aim is to bring together practitioners from industry and educational institutions, which is why the conference targets business managers, educators and decision-makers at business schools and institutions of higher education.

Time and place
18 May 2016 8:30 - 19 May 2016 17:00
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
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Nordic book launch across academic fields
Participate in a lecture taking place at the book launch on a study from a groundbreaking collaboration between Danish and Norwegian researchers that examines existential bodily experiences across academic fields. The idea behind the book, The Living Body (Den levende kroppen), is to do away with the differentiation between the humanities and the natural sciences and thereby show the possible connections between the body seen from a humanistic, natural science, aesthetic and theological angle. The lecture is hosted by the Department of International Business Communication and is open to the public. Registration not required.

Time and place
27 May 2016 14:00-17:00
Auditorium, SØ.089, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg
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International PhD award
CBS will host this year’s AQR Top Finance Graduate Award, which recognises the most promising finance PhD graduates in 2016. The selection committee focuses primarily on graduates whose research potential promises to have the greatest impact on financial practices and academia. Among the nominees are PhD students from across the globe. The event is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required no later 23 May.

Time and place
30 May 2016 08:30-17:00
TBA, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
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PhD defences at CBS in May

13 May – Hadis Khonsary Atighi
Economic Determinants of Domestic Investment in an Oil-Based Company: The Case of Iran (1965-2010)

13 May – Louise Hauberg Wilhelmsen
EU Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration

17 May – Mark Bruun
Essays on Earnings Predictability

23 May – Tor Bøe-Lillegraven
Business Paradoxes, Black Boxes, and Big Data: Beyond Organizational Ambidexterity – Essays on Ambidexterity as a Multilevel Concept

26 May – Marianne Bertelsen
Aesthetic Encounters: Rethinking Autonomy, Space & Time in Today’s World of Art"

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017