CBS in September

What are the political implications of crowd-based solutions? What role does the EU play in an international tax regime? And how do you turn a business idea into a business? All this and much more at CBS in September.

CBS Responsibility Day
Responsibility Day
Inaugural lecture: Jeppe Christiansen, Adjunct Professor, CEO of Maj Invest
Jeppe Christiansen
Competitiveness Day
Seminar: An International Tax Regime – How Far Are We?
Margrethe Vestager
”Tapping into the Crowd” – conference on crowdsourcing and -funding
CBS Entrepreneurial Day
Entrepreneurial Day

CBS Responsibility Day
Welcome to all new bachelor students!
Responsibility Day is the first official day for new students at CBS.
This day will give new students ample opportunity to reflect on social responsibility - not just as a CBS student, but in relation to their future career.
Students will get a chance to meet CBS students from every bachelor programme and CBS' President will welcome you to the university. Then it's time for the annual case competition.

Time and place:
1 September 2016 09:30-15:15
Falkoner Salen and Solbjerg Plads, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the event

Inaugural lecture: Jeppe Christiansen, Adjunct Professor, CEO of Maj Invest
Jeppe Christiansen, CEO of Maj Invest, is appointed to Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Department of Finance, Copenhagen Business School. In this connection the Department of Finance is hosting the inaugural lecture and a subsequent reception on 2 September 2016 at 14:30.
The inaugural lecture will concern the current financial situation and the increasing use of negative interest. By shedding light on the historical development and history of our monetary system, Jeppe Christiansen will seek to answer e.g. the question of what the global bond markets are trying to tell us.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

Time and place:
2 September 2016 14:30-16:30
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the programme for the lecture and how to register.

Competitiveness Day
Competitiveness Day offers participants a number of activities with a common denominator; competitiveness. The event is open for both businesses and the general public and is a unique opportunity to be updated on the newest knowledge about CBS research within the Danish corporate sector and competitiveness.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

Time and place:
5 September 2016 08:30-17:00
The Warehouse, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the programme and how to register.

Seminar: An International Tax Regime – How Far Are We?
European Commissioner for Competition, Danish Margrethe Vestager, will provide a European perspective on the international tax regime, which is going through a period of accelerated political development.
Some individuals and multinational corporations manage to evade the system, which has led both states, multilateral organisations and the European Union to take action. This seminar provides an insight into the political development.

Time and place:
9 September 2016 08:30-11:00
The Warehouse, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg
The Lecture Hall
Read more about the event.

”Tapping into the Crowd” – conference on crowdsourcing and -funding.
An increasing number of businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs are using crowd-based solutions for a number of tasks. There are two special challenges to crowd-based solutions: One has to do with innovation (crowdsourcing) and how businesses seek new ideas and solutions for research and development, and the other is related to funding start-up companies (crowdfunding).

The conference will offer i.a. an overview of the political implications of crowd-based innovation and funding models.

Time and place:
9 September 2016 09:30-14:00
CBS Kilen (the Wedge) – Kilevej 14a, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the conference.

CBS Entrepreneurial Day
CBS Entrepreneurial Day is the biggest event at Copenhagen Business School focusing on entrepreneurship.
The event aims to present the CBS entrepreneurial environment –  both in research, education, leisure activities and student start-ups.

Visit the event, hear from interesting speakers, and meet i.a. 25 student start-ups. You will also have the opportunity to meet Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship, who are ready to help turn your business idea into reality.

Time and place:
29 September 10:00-17:00
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the event.

PhD defences at CBS in September:
9 September – Ida Danneskiold-Samsøe:
Living learning in artistic organisations - an investigation of learning processes between project and organisation with Aarhus Theatre.
21 September – Angeli Elizabeth Weller:
Practices at the Boundaries of Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017