CBS is a green university

Sustainability is the focus of week 11 at CBS. The theme of the week is "Green Week", where students have organised lectures and events centred on sustainability. At the same time, a new report about CBS' work in promoting sustainability has just been published.


CBS is a green university which continuously works to promote sustainability. These days, sustainability is in focus at CBS during ”Green Week”, where different events including a fashion show, workshops and lectures about green housing and transport hopefully will inform and inspire the participants.

”Green Week” is organised by the student-driven organisation oikos Copenhagen. Through "Green Week", they provide their fellow students with a multi-faceted insight into sustainability that has a focus ranging from green tasting of food, technology, financing and even a sustainable fashion show.
Sustainability all year round
CBS attaches importance to sustainability and responsible management all year round. According to the secretariat director of PRME at CBS Martiina Srkoc, CBS frequently reports to PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education), an organised relationship between business schools throughout the world, who collaborate to promote responsible management education:
"CBS is one out of 29 global Champion Schools of 657 signatories, and we are therefore extremely proud to showcase CBS as a leading business school and facilitator of responsible management education and sustainability activities".

New report about CBS' green initiatives
In the recently published report from PRME, ”Report on progress 2017”, it is evident that sustainability and responsible management have played a significant role in the activities at CBS in 2015 and 2016. The report describes a number of initiatives including "Responsibility Day", where CBS brings attention to social responsibility and the ethical dilemmas students can meet in the corporate sector in the future. CBS has also set goals for all bachelor programmes related to a range of competences in responsible management. CBS can check off the goals when the students finish their study programme.
Prize to CBS
It has not gone unnoticed that CBS focuses on sustainability and responsible management. CBS won the prize called "The Award for Excellence in Reporting" for its report which was published in 2015. A prize which is awarded for the documentation of all CBS' activities with regards to responsible management education:
"We have successfully set the bar for teaching administrators and faculty from international business schools how to implement PRME activities. Since 2014, we have educated 39 participants from 15 different countries", Martiina Srkoc says.

Sustainability in the future
According to the report, sustainability is also an important part of the future. CBS plans to expand campus with 35,000 m2 where solar cells are going to produce energy for temperature regulation.  
"It is highly important that CBS educate responsible business leaders who can meet the requirements of tomorrow’s sustainable business challenges", Martiina Srkoc says.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020