CBS professor appointed to head Dutch university

Mirjam van Praag, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Professor of Entrepreneurship, will be leaving CBS to join Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam as its new President.


As of next year on 1 March, CBS Professor Mirjam van Praag will serve as the new President of Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam, generally recognised as one of the best multiple-faculty universities in the Netherlands. Since May 2014 she has been the Maersk McKinney Moller Professor of Entrepreneurship at CBS, where, according to President Per Holten-Andersen, she has made a big impression.

“I’m sorry to see Mirjam leave her Maersk professorship because she’s been an invaluable source of inspiration and motivation. She has whole heartedly embraced student-related activities by establishing new courses, helping to train entrepreneurs and through her own teaching. What’s more, she has built up a unique research platform, where new experimental methods are applied to increase understanding of the workings of entrepreneurship. Even in her relatively brief time at CBS, she and her team have garnered a great deal of recognition both in international circles and in the Danish entrepreneurship community,” explains Holten-Andersen.

Prior to coming to Copenhagen, Van Praag was a professor of entrepreneurship and organisation at the University of Amsterdam and also director of the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship, or ACE. In agreement with CBS, after Van Praag is no longer the Maersk McKinney Moller Professor, she will remain professionally affiliated with CBS.

Jointly with the A.P. Møller Foundation, CBS President Holten-Andersen will now embark on finding a successor to the entrepreneurship professorship.

For more information please contact the head of the secretariat, Martin Kramer-Jørgensen, or Professor Mirjam van Praag.

Read more about Professor Mirjam van Praag’s 2014 appointment to the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Professor of Entrepreneurship.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020