CBS to focus on research on integration

The aim of the RESEARCH2025 catalogue is to provide an overview of the most important research areas of the future. In addition to entrepreneurship and collaborating on sustainability, CBS proposes focussing on the integration of immigrants into society and the labour market.


Peter Møllgaard

Gaining a foothold on the labour market can determine whether immigrants become a burden or a benefit to society, explains CBS Dean of Research Peter Møllgaard. As a result, this area is among the proposed topics submitted to the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The proposals, put forward by the business community, organisations, ministries and knowledge institutions, will be assessed and selected for publication in the RESEARCH2025 catalogue. The catalogue is to serve as a source of knowledge and inspiration to guide prioritisation of future research investments.

The integration of immigrants into society and the labour market is a high priority, also politically, says Møllgaard:

“CBS is knowledgeable about the labour market in Denmark. We know a great deal about how things work, also regarding intercultural understanding and management, and can aid society in turning the cultural, linguistic, educational and religious backgrounds of immigrants to an advantage.”

CBS also submitted two other topics for the catalogue: “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” and “Frameworks for Strategic Sustainability Governance”, because research on innovation and having a stronger entrepreneurial environment are vital if Denmark is to continue to compete among the best internationally and to develop relevant solutions to societal challenges. The topic of sustainability was chosen due the quandary that existing technology can already solve, for example, climate challenges, but political and democratic solutions are not necessarily in place. CBS can contribute with its understanding of this dynamic, explains Møllgaard, adding:

“RESEARCH2025 can provide new funding for research in all of the areas proposed in the catalogue,” as CBS does not otherwise have the financial means to focus on them to a sufficient degree.

PDF icon Read more about CBS’ three proposed topics (in Danish)

Read more about the RESEARCH2025 catalogue (in Danish). Please contact Senior Research Adviser Annette Hjort Knudsen with any questions.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017