Meet CBS at Folkemødet 2022
Soon, citizens, businesses, and political parties will gather at the annual People's Democratic Festival (Folkemødet) in Allinge on the island of Bornholm. And once again, CBS is ready to take part in conversations and debates that focus on the role and importance of research in our society.
Among other things, our researchers will participate in a number of conversations about the possibilities and pitfalls of technology. We will highlight new ways of organising our professional lives, and we will discuss the road to more equality. At the event, “Topsy-turvy Educational System”, CBS’ student organisation, “CBS Students”, will focus on the well-being of students, the business community’s requirements and the sustainable society.
Public celebration and research communication
And so, the well assorted programme spans anything from algorithms and working life to human rights and equality. Acting Dean of Education at CBS, Peter Lotz, is pleased about CBS’ contribution to this annual public celebration, and he looks very much forward to participating in the celebrations himself:
“As a university, we have a great responsibility for communicating our research in a way that supports our big conversations and puts them into perspective. Democratic dialogue blossoms at Folkemødet, and I look forward to immersing myself in the debates. This will be my first time at Folkemødet, and with a line-up of varied and interesting events, I know I will be energised as I discuss transformative research ideas and debate experimental new approaches to solving some of the greatest challenges our society faces.”
Below, you can see which debates include researchers from CBS
Note: There may be changes to the programme, so we encourage you to stay updated at Folkemø
Thursday June 16th
Kryptovaluta: Hvorfor er Nationalbanken skrækslagen?
(Crypto currency: Why is The National Bank of Denmark terrified?)
12:30 - 13:15 - G15 - Blockchain Scenen
Why do central banks react like they do to the new reality of crypt currency?
Participant from CBS: Lars Christian Ohnemus, Chief Consultant/Director of the Center for Corporate Governance (Ph.D.)
Fremtidens penge og betalinger
(Future money and payments)
12:30 - 13:15- G31 – Finansteltet
Join us as Finance Denmark debates the digital money of the future.
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor, Ph.D.
Viljen og vejen til ligestilling, diversitet og inklusion
(The will and the way to equality, diversity and inclusion)
14:00 - 15:00 - K7 - Akademikernes Hus
How do we secure more female leaders, seeing as diversity generates better results?
Participant from CBS: Sara Louise Muhr, Professor with special responsibilities
Finanssektorens rolle i den grønne omstilling
(The role of the finance sector in the green transition)
14:15 - 15:15 - G31 – Finansteltet
How can the finance sector contribute more or in a different way to the continued transition in the future?
Participant from CBS: Julie Uldam, Associate Professor
Blockchain Q&A
16:30 - 17:00 - G15 - Blockchain Scenen
Get answers for your questions from the Blockchain Scene’s experts.
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor
Uddannelsessystemet på hovedet
(Topsy-turvy educational system)
17:45 - 18:45 - J5 - Kæmpestrandens Debattelt
What if you could completely rearrange the education puzzle?
Friday June 17th
Nye veje i det fleksible arbejdsliv
(New paths in the flexible working life)
11:30 - 12:30 - G31 – Finansteltet
Ten experiments about well-being in the flexible working life. Listen to the results and join the debate.
Participant from CBS: Anders Raastrup Christensen, Researcher at CBS
Etikmonopolet og de teknologiske dilemmaer
(Ethical monopoly and technological dilemmas)
11:30 - 12:30 - G8 - Ydermolens Debattelt
Join the debate and learn more about the power of digitalisation, for better and for worse.
Participant from CBS: Mikkel Flyverbom, Professor
Giver friplejehjem øget kvalitet eller ulighed?
(Do private nursing homes provide increased quality or inequality?)
13:00 - 13:45 - J45 - Det Fælles Sundhedstelt
Private nursing homes do not burden municipal investment budgets, but do they create an A and B team among the elderly?
Participant from CBS: Birthe Larsen, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Hvordan kan blockchain forandre dansk erhvervsliv?
(How can blockchain change the Danish business community?)
13:00 - 13:45 - G15 - Blockchain Scenen
What can blockchain do for the carpenter, the accountant and the journalist?
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor
CBS møder Dansk Industri møder IWGIA og menneskerettigheder
(CBS meets Danish Industry meets IWGIA and human rights)
13:00 - 14:00 - H15 - Kutter Anton og CISU
Danish Industry and IWGIA swab problems/issues for a short while and look at suggested solutions.
Participant from CBS: Jacobo Ramirez, Associate Professor
Blockchain Q&A
14:00 - 14:30 - G15 - Blockchain Scenen
Get answers to your questions form the Blockchain Scene’s experts
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor
Diversitet på agendaen – fordi det virker
(Diversity on the agenda – because it works)
14:00 - 15:00- N2 - Djøfs Baggård
#MeToo and Black Lives Matter demand that we take the work with diversity much more seriously.
Participant from CBS: Sara Louise Muhr, Professsor with special responsibilities
Flere IT-talenter, tak!
(More IT-talents, thanks!)
14:00 - 15:00- G13 - EPICO: Scenen for IT-velfærd
How do we get more people through the education system to the IT sector in the future?
Participant from CBS: Sine Zambach
Blockchain – hvad er det?
(Blockchain – what is it?)
15:00 - 15:45 - H9 - Dansk Crowdfunding Forening
Everybody has heard about blockchain and bitcoin, but the majority of us do not know what those terms actually mean.
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor
Blockchain - muligheder og trusler!
(Blockchain – possibilities and threats!)
16:00 - 16:45 - H9 - Dansk Crowdfunding Forening
Blockchain – genuine, traceable and irreplaceable – is the title of the bestselling book on the subject, available in Denmark.
Participant from CBS: Jan Damsgaard, Professor
MPG - Nye arbejdsformer kræver en ny type leder
(MPG - New working methods demand a new type of leader)
09:00 - 10:00 - F13 – Røgeriets debattelt
But how do you set your employees and managers free?
Participant from CBS: Susanne Boch Waldorff, Associate Professor
Saturday June 18th
Mads and the A-team
09:00 - 10:00 - C24 - Engineer the Future #Techteltet
Join us for intense dilemma solutions with Mads Steffensen
Participant from CBS: Peter Lotz, Acting Dean of Education at CBS,
Politisk interessevaretagelse - mere end lobbyisme
(Political interest safeguarding – more than lobbyism)
09:15 - 10:00 - F37 – Operate
How do I get started with safeguarding political interest?
Participant from CBS: Anker Brink Lund, Professor at Center for Civil Society Studies, CBS
Måltal og kvoter – vejen til kønsdiversitet, eller?
(Target numbers and quotas – the road to gender diversity, or?)
11:30 - 12:15 - G31 – Finansteltet
According to a statement from World Economic Forum, we are number 101 in the world.
Participant from CBS: Sara Louise Muhr, Professor with special responsibilities
Lobbyisme: Manipulation eller folkesport?
(Lobbyism: manipulation or popular sport?)
12:00 - 13:00 - F31 - POV International
Can lobbyism actually benefit democracy – as opposed to what most people believe?
Participant from CBS: Anker Brink Lund, Professor
Eksperimentér jer til det gode arbejdsliv
(Experiment your way to the good working life)
13:30 - 14:30 - G12 - FTFa Teltet
Get inspiration and tips to experiment your way to a flexible working life with well-being.
Participant from CBS: Anders Raastrup Christensen, researcher and writer
Hvorfor ansætter vi nogen, der ligner os selv?
(Why do we hire people who look like ourselves?)
14:00 - 14:45 – F7 - Kommunernes Telt
We prefer people who look like ourselves and this affects our choices when we recruit.
Participant from CBS: Florence Villesèche, Associate Professor
Må algoritmen bestemme?
(Should the algorithm decide?)
14:00 - 14:45 - G3 - F&P
We use algorithms all the time, but should there be a limit to their use?
Participant from CBS: Mikkel Flyverbom, Professor
Hjælp – rådgiverbranchen mangler talenter
(Help – the consultancy business lacks talents)
15:15 - 16:00 - G7 - Dansk Erhverv
In this debate, we focus on how to recruit, develop and maintain talent.
Participant from CBS: Sara Louise Muhr, Professor with special responsibilities
Kan en algoritme være en god chef?
(Can an algorithm be a good boss?)
15:30 - 16:30 – N5 - Altinget – Vinklen
The Data Ethical Advisory Board hosts this debate on data-driven technologies in the workplace.
Participant from CBS: Mikke Flyverbom, Professor
Feministisk lørdagsbar
(Saturday’s Feminist Bar)
17:00 - 18:00 – F31 - POV International
We repeat the success from Folkemødet 2019 with speed-knowledge sharing.
Participant from CBS: Sara Louise Muhr, Professor with special responsibilities and Birthe Larsen, Associate Professor