New association to help CBS entrepreneurs to get started

CBS StartUp is a new association, which is going to act as a troubleshooter for new start-ups. Djøf is co-founder of the association. Others are encouraged to support the start-up environment at CBS.



Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

It is the ambition of CBS to improve Denmark’s competitive edge by fostering young and innovative companies. CBS’ start-up environment Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE) affiliates with 100 developing companies on an annual basis. Even though the majority of the companies have their business plan under control and learn how to stand on their own two feet, a significant untapped potential still exists.

Start-ups particularly find the early start-up phase, which also goes under the ominous name “Valley of Death”, difficult to get through. This is where CBS StartUp can make a difference, according to CBS President Per Holten-Andersen:

”The purpose of CBS StartUp is to assist our entrepreneurs in the start-up phase, helping them to become established so that they can contribute to society in terms of growth and jobs. CBS StartUp is to support new companies by for instance helping them pay for consulting services in the early difficult phase”, says Per Holten-Andersen.

The day-to-day activities of the association is funded by membership fees, sponsorships, foundation grants and public support. Djøf, the Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists, has co-founded CBS StartUp and has made the establishment of this association possible by granting DKK 733,000 for the project.

”We are incredibly pleased that Djøf is co-founder of CBS StartUp, which has been able to broaden their scope and network”, says Per Holten-Andersen.

According to Henrik Funder, Chairman of Djøf Privat, Djøf has supported CBS Startup with a grant of DKK 733,000 from the discontinued foundation Civiløkonomernes Fond, of which the aim was to promote programmes within business administration.

“Djøf is looking forward to sharpen our focus on new start-ups so they can be even more successful. CBS students are extremely creative and inventive. This bodes well for further growth and innovation in the Danish business community. We are looking forward to working with the new association, says Henrik Funder.

Also the Danish Society for Education and Business, DSEB, has chosen to back CBS StartUp financially with DKK 500,000.

For more information, please contact Martin Kramer-Jørgensen, Head of the President’s Office at CBS, or Torben Gross, Public Relations Manager at Djøf.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020

CBS StartUp is a new association eager to affiliate more members. Does CBS and entrepreneurship set your heart beating faster? Consider joining CBS StartUp right here