New input for your business

By letting a group of students borrow a room for just a few days you could gain valuable new insights from the students’ analyses. CBS is looking for case companies for the UBC-CBS Challenge 2015 and your company could be one of them.


Would you like new input for a specific project or a challenge your company is facing? Can you spare a desk for five to six people for three days in February? In that case, Copenhagen Business School and the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia (UBC) invite you to present a business case in the UBC-CBS Challenge 2015.

The groups will be a combination of five to six MBA and MSc students from CBS and UBC, and they will need to stay in an office for three days in week 8 to work on a specific project or challenge related to your business.

Former case companies were offered useful ideas
When the three days are over, the team will present their solution to the task at an event. Other students, supervisors, and executives from your company are invited. There will be a reception and the best solutions will be awarded.

Companies, which hosted student teams in 2013 and 2014, were very positive. The companies were offered useful ideas and several companies have included recommendations from students in their business plans.

If you are in doubt whether you have a suitable challenge for the teams, the UBC-CBS team will be more than happy to pitch ideas with you. So do not hesitate to contact them to discuss your possibilities.

Read more about the UBC-CBS Challenge 2015

For more information, contact Amalie Korning Wedege, Student Assistant, telephone number +45 3815 5808.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017