The 2013 CBS Annual Report is released

CBS in 2013: More foreign researchers, increase in Quota 2 admissions, more teaching.


In 2012, CBS hired more researchers, enrolled more students and offered more teaching. These activities were financed by drawing on CBS’ equity.

  • Net income was a planned deficit of DKK 20m. CBS also has budgeted deficits in 2014 and 2015, but as of 2016 the budget must be balanced.
  • CBS has added a number of full-time researchers, which supports CBS’ goal of providing research-based teaching. Many of the newly hired faculty members have a foreign background. In 2013, foreign researchers represented more than sixty percent of all appointments. This contributes to CBS’ strategy of creating a leading international research and education environment.
  • CBS programmes are more popular than ever. In 2013, CBS had both the highest and third highest national average for admissions. Even though the number of spaces available was expanded again in 2013, the number of applicants rejected has grown even further. CBS turns applicants down to ensure the quality of education as CBS does not have enough facilities or teaching capacity to admit additional students.
  • CBS admits more Quota 2 applicants. Since 2009, the number of Quota 2 applicants has doubled, and in 2013 they accounted for twenty-five percent of total enrolment. During the same period, the number of Quota 2 applicants rose steadily. CBS has found that Quota 2 students have a lower dropout rate than average.
  • Students receive more teaching. CBS met its goal of providing students with ten percent more hours compared to 2011. 
  • CBS primarily educates people to work in the private sector. Statistics from 2013 show that eighty-three percent of CBS’ graduates employed over the last ten years worked in the private sector.
  • In 2013, CBS decided to launch a new Business in Society (BiS) platform called CBS Maritime. BiS platforms support CBS’ strategy 'Business in Society'. BiS platforms are interdisciplinary units that work to organise and develop research and education in a socially relevant topic. The new BiS platform is the fifth one.
  • In 2013, CBS met 10 out of 14 of the objectives identified in its development contract. The success of one of the goals cannot yet be determined for several years. The development contract was written in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.


For more information, please contact university director Peter Jonasson or press officer Mikael Koldby.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017