The French head to the polls - find an expert at CBS

The first round of the French presidential election takes place on 23 April. Find a researcher at CBS, who can comment on the election's impact on the European economy and the EU project, French identity and history, etc.


Associate Professor Mette Zølner
Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Society and Communication.
Expert in French identity and history, political culture and labour market.  
Professor Jesper Rangvid
Professor at the Department of Finance.
Expert in the election's consequences for the European economy.
Associate Professor Sine Nørholm Just
Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Politics with focus on rhetoric and the political debate and public opinion about the EU.
Expert in the election's impact on the EU project.
Associate Professor Magali Gravier
Associate professor at the Department of Management, Society and Communication, specialised in French politics, elections and institutions. Interviews can take place in French, English or German.

Associate Professor Cédric Schneider
Associate Professor at the Department of Economics.
Expert in the candidates’ economic program and their consequences for the French economy

You can also read an interview with Professor Jesper Rangvid and Associate Professor Mette Zølner about the election's consequences for the European economy, the French society and the final days of the election.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019