
  • 26.03.2013

    CBS wants to strengthen Danish competitiveness

    Academic Director Torben Pedersen was recently interviewed about the work of the Competitiveness Platform. The topic was the work of the platform and how it contributes to strengthen the competitiveness of Danish companies. Read the interview in Danish by clicking on the link in the bottom of the article or read the English translation below.
  • 25.03.2013

    Unemployed learn how to understand a business at CBS

    CBS' new six-week courses prepare unemployed academics for the private sector in particular. The first course teaches financial management in a private company and starts on 8 April. The next courses are aimed at unemployed entrepreneurs and executives
  • 25.03.2013

    CBS-conference: Municipalities can save money by forming new partnerships

    New figures from the Confederation of Danish Industry show how much money municipalities can save by means of outsourcing. Gribskov Municipality north of Copenhagen is the perfect example. Professor from CBS also breaks with the sectoral thinking and points towards the benefits of including the civil society
  • 22.03.2013

    Quota 2 works for CBS

    CBS students enrolled through quota 2 are less prone to drop out and better at completing their studies within the prescribed period of study than students enrolled through quota 1
  • 14.03.2013

    CBS wants to strengthen Danish competitiveness

    Danish growth must be promoted! CBS is now gathering experts in competitiveness on a new platform. The purpose of the platform is to underpin new and existing CBS projects with a view to strengthen Danish companies
  • 11.03.2013

    Tillid på bundlinjen

    Niels Thygesen og No Emil Sjöberg Kampmann viser i ny bog, hvilket enormt potentiale der er i at arbejde med tillid som bærende princip
