
  • 04.09.2017

    New students focus on responsibility from day one

    CBS' bachelor students spend their first day at university attending Responsibility Day. With the President of CBS, HRH Crown Princess Mary and a business case on the agenda, thousands of new CBS students were motivated to act responsibly.
  • 04.09.2017

    Big league CEOs pay study visits to CBS

    The aim of the initiative is to develop research and education in cooperation with some of the largest recruiters of CBS graduates. The first Executive in Residence will be Danske Bank CEO Thomas F. Borgen.
  • 29.08.2017

    CBS in September

    If you are interested in entrepreneurship, then stop by CBS in September. There are a lot of inspiration to get from both practice and new research at two great events about student start-ups and entrepreneurship management. You can also meet DJ Le Gammeltoft who talks about following your passion.
  • 28.08.2017

    CBS launches the first CBS Business Panel

    The launch of the CBS Business Panel is the latest initiative from CBS Business to help facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration with the business community and society. First panel meeting took place on 23 August.
  • 01.08.2017

    CBS in August

    It is summer, and many are on vacation, but CBS is still open. CBS participates in Copenhagen Pride 2017 for the first time. Different events will also be held including a discussion about whether spoken language is sloppy and a conference on how banks should manage assets.
  • 28.07.2017

    Admission GPAs in 2017

    For the majority of CBS' 19 bachelor programmes, GPAs have remained stable in comparison with 2016, with only small changes in the GPAs in general. In cases where there has been change, this is largely due to few applicants – and their GPAs – to the relevant programmes.
  • 07.07.2017

    Multi-million grant goes to CBS management research

    Is it possible to better the management of companies by means of an app that whispers wise words to the manager through the phone in the pocket? The Danish Industry Foundation has granted approximately DKK 13 million to three projects which should improve the performance of the Danish manager.
  • 04.07.2017

    CBS in July

    July generally means summer holiday for many of us. However, you will still be able to attend interesting events at CBS. Which relations exist between economy and religion? What does the philanthropy of tomorrow look like? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at CBS in July.
  • 23.06.2017

    Going to Roskilde Festival in the name of research

    How do festivalgoers feel comfortable? How can their answers be used to giving them a better experience - by the hour? Is it possible to predict how many burgers are consumed during the next couple of hours to keep supplies coming and provide you with your favourite food? Have you ever worked as a volunteer - and if yes, are you a Bart or a Marge? These are some of the issues that CBS researchers are looking into at Roskilde Festival using big data.
