Green Office

CBS Green Office brings together strong research environments, cross-disciplinary educational programmes and external key players in meeting the world’s big challenges. We work to ensure that the right people are connected, so that both researchers, students and the public at large become a part of the process to reshape our common green future.

GT frontpage slider

Teaching cases from CBS impact business education worldwide
Creating green impact from 1st semester
Creating green impact from 1st semester
CBS forms a collaboration with Nordic Alpha Partners
New Solar Panels on Howitzvej!
Student commitment increases when solving real-life sustainability cases
Green Field Study at the Grand Départ
Tour de France
Scaling up our ambitions: Hanne Harmsen is now Vice Dean of Green Transition at CBS!
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What is Green Transition?

Climate Change is the largest challenge of our times and calls for a radical green transition of the economy, politics, and society at large. The European New Green Deal and Denmark’s very ambitious target of reducing CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030 and achieving climate-neutrality by 2050 calls for ambitious and bold research, novel education, innovation, action, and enhanced collaboration. Reaching these goals will be challenging and further complicated by an increased focus on scarce natural resources and biodiversity as well as the political ambitions of lowering emissions while maintaining economic growth.

Green Transition offers the Danish and international business community challenges as well as huge opportunities. Business as usual is not possible and issues range from navigating new and changing customer demands to the development and implementation of entirely new markets, business models, technologies, and products. Research based knowledge as well as business administration candidates with sharp green competence profiles are key to successful green transition.


What can CBS do?

CBS has a long tradition of strong research environments and interdisciplinary research in disciplines, such as finance, economics, marketing, management, innovation, and strategy - all relevant for the challenge of green transition. CBS’ cross-disciplinary educational programmes and strong business network are also key to transforming business and society and meeting the enormous challenges ahead. Current activities focus on bringing together key players internally and externally, creating transparency of current activities, pursuing external funding, and stimulating even more concrete problem-based research and new green educational activities.

For further information contact

Vice Dean of Green Transition Hanne Harmsen,
Green Transition Officer Jens Riemer,

The page was last edited by: Green Transition // 11/08/2024