Research & Faculty
On this page you will find:
1) a disciplinary and crosscutting thematic introduction to Green Transition at CBS
2) a Green List presenting researchers from a green angle
If all this seems overwhelming or if you’d rather discuss your concerns or questions with us, you are welcome to reach out.
Green Transition research is often associated with new technologies and technical innovations. Many social science research questions are, however, crucial in order to understand barriers and potentials and realize the environmental and economic impact both of new technologies and of changed behavior of consumers, companies and public entities. As shown in the framework below, we have identified a number of core themes (horizontal) and core areas (vertical) across CBS, where we can contribute to Green Transition research. The horizontal core themes are cross-disciplinary by nature and thus dealt with at different departments at our university. Explore each theme below and get introduced to our researchers and their projects. Feel free to contact faculty directly or reach out to us for more information.
Green Finance & Accounting
Sustainable Behaviour and Consumption
Green Digitalization
Innovation and Sustainable Business Practices
Markets, Regulation & Policy
Green Transition of the Energy Sector
CBS Maritime
This list aims to highlight green research at CBS, provide a comprehensive overview of the diversity of focus areas and the ones working on them; and hope that the list will act as a contact node for those who would like to collaborate internally and externally on green topics.
Are you faculty at CBS and want to be part of the Green List 2025, sign up here!
CBS faculty develop award winning teaching cases which are published on The Case Centre. The CBS Free Case Collection hosts free teaching cases written and tested by CBS faculty in collaboration with colleagues from different universities and CBS students. The case collection is part of CBS’ commitment to UN PRME, Principles of Responsible Management Education.
Are you a CBS faculty member and would like to develop and publish a teaching case?
Green Office offers support with case writing, editing and publication.
Please contact Lavinia ( to find out more about the support you have available for case writing.
You can browse the entire FREE Case Collection here: Case collection: Copenhagen Business School - The Case Centre