Green Business Forum

The Green Transition is a core priority at CBS. The Green Business Forum creates space for showcasing best practices and facilitating a discussion on where action is still needed.

Thank you for a great Green Business Forum

Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF
Thank you for a great Green Business Forum
Picture GBF

Green Business Forum 2024

Green Business Forum, date, QR code for registration

The Green Business Forum is a conference-style event hosted by CBS in collaboration with our student organizations for sustainability and green transition. The event creates a frame for business professionals, enrichened by perspectives from academia and students, to come together to discuss, test and move ideas forward. The program will consist of a variety of events, diverse in format (e.g.: a mix between panel discussions, key-note speeches, networking sessions, workshops, interactive case competitions), in audience (e.g.: some exclusive, some open to the public, some students-only), and providers (e.g.: provided by businesses, faculty, students, NGOs, thinktanks).

The event creates a forum where state-of-the-art knowledge can be shared widely among peers, so stakeholders can learn from and challenge each other’s and CBS’ approaches.​


Green Business Forum 2023

Programme Highlights

Exploring the fine line between greenwashing and a proactive sustainability strategy,
Wednesday April 19, 16.00-17.00 at Deloitte Auditorium

Registration is required
Meet 3 of the most distinguished sustainability pioneers in Denmark and hear them share perspectives on the role, challenges and future potentials. How do you act proactively in the green transition without being accused for green-washing? Is the media even interested in communicating these complex issues? How do you secure realism in setting and reporting sustainability targets? And what is it like to have this role? With point of departure in Danske Banks recent experience with launching their ambitious climate plan, the panelists will share personal perspectives and debate these difficult dilemmas, that most companies currently have to deal with.

Kristin Parello-Plesner, SVP and Head of Group Sustainability, Danske Bank

Susanne Stormer, PWC Partner and Sustainability Lead & CBS Adjunct Professor

Annette Stube, EVP and Head of Sustainability at Stora Enso & CBS Adjunct Professor

Kristjan Jespersen, Associate Professor MSC, CBS


Podcast-recording. Featuring Majken Schultz – thought leader and practitioner,
Wednesday April 19 13.30-14.30 at Kilen KL.S.48

Emil Husted, Associate Professor at CBS, will record a live podcast featuring Professor Majken Schultz. Majken has an impressive research background and currently addresses green transition management from a time perspective in the research project ‘Making Distant Futures Actionable: Innovating for Zero-Carbon Future’. Majken herself also has to tackle real world sustainability management dilemmas as the Chair of Carlsberg Foundation.

The session also includes an introduction to the Green Transition Podcast, CBS Sustain and a presentation of the podcast episode "Energy Transition in Colombia", with Associate Professor Jacobo Ramirez.

Associate Professor Emil Husted, CBS

Academic Officer Marianne Benfeldt Kellmann, CBS

Professor and Chair of Carlsberg Foundation, Majken Schultz

Associate Professor Jacobo Ramirez

Forget the start-up wisdom from Silicon Valley if we want to scale green tech companies,
Tuesday April 18, 13.30-14.30 at Kilen S.54

Cornel and Laurits are both full of knowledge, ideas and inspiration on green transition governance. They will share insights on how to overcome valley-of-death financing issues for green hard-tech companies and suggest the need for new approaches to scaling this type of companies if we really want to accelerate green transition. This debate between practice and theory will probably also touch upon the role of regulation versus market. Here, they probably will not agree, but they will give input for personal reflection. Malte, the CBS student who brought the two together, will bridge, structure and highlight key take-aways.

Laurits Bach Sørensen, Partner & Co-Founder, Nordic Alpha Partners

Cornel Ban, Associate Professor, CBS

Malte Werner, CBS Student, Climate Club 


Live interview with Arla about organizing for transformative innovation,
Tuesday April 18, 11.30-12.30, at Kilen S.54
To pursue green transition companies have to transform their organizations and how they innovate. This event takes the form of a real-time research interview, where researchers deep dive into the organizational challenges and learnings of a case company. Sit in and experience both research and practice and get inspiration from the reflections.

Jane Bjørn Vedel, CBS Associate Professor

Jakob Hasselbalch, CBS Associate Professor

Vera Simoneit, PhD Fellow, CBS

Henrik Jørgen Andersen, Executive R&D Advisor, Arla


See the full programme here



The page was last edited by: Green Transition // 05/08/2024