PhD defence: Marija Sarafinovska

Friday, January 26, 2024 - 09:00 to 11:00

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Marija Sarafinovska has submitted her thesis entitled:

Patients as Innovators:
An Empirical Study of Patients’ Role in Innovation in the Healthcare Industry

This PhD thesis consists of an introduction and three independent chapters collectively aiming to answer the question: “Patients as Innovators: An Empirical Study of Patients’ Role in Innovation in the Healthcare Industry.” First, we empirically investigate the ethical challenges occurring during the co-creation process within the healthcare industry through semi-structured interviews with patients and managers. Then, we explore factors influencing patients’ intention to innovate through a survey instrument. We develop and test a model to study: socially conscious consumer behavior, being ahead of trend, and burden of treatment as potential factors that could impact patients’ intention to innovate. As important patient innovativeness is, sharing those innovations is crucial. Henceforth, we finally investigate the impact of innovation-related resources (technical expertise and community based resources) on patient innovators’ willingness to share.

The thesis will be available from


Primary Supervisor:
Associate Professor Kristjan Jespersen
Department of Management, Society and Communication
Copenhagen Business School

Secondary Supervisors:
Professor with special responsibilities Richard Gyrd-Jones
Department of Marketing
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Stefan Markovic
Department of Marketing
NEOMA Business School

Assessment Committee:
Professor Ad de Jong (Chair)
Department of Marketing
Copenhagen Business School

Professor James Barlow
Technology and Innovation Management
Imperial College London

Professor Katja Hutter
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
University of Innsbruck

Date: 26 January 2024
Time: 9:00-11:00
Location: Solbjerg Plads
Room: SPs03 Novo Nordisk Aud.
Reception: FUHU

*The CBS PhD School will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence.

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/14/2025