Join us at CBS Career Fair and get inspiration for your career

Are you in doubt about where the future is going to take you? Or do you have a clear idea? In both cases, CBS career Fair is something for you. Attend 29 March and learn more about a range of companies from different industries.


You might already have made big career plans after graduation. The only thing you need is the right connections, so the plan can come true. Or maybe you are not that far with your career plan, and inspiration is therefore more than welcome. No matter what, CBS Career Fair and representatives from 44 different Danish and international companies can help you.

CBS Career Fair takes place at Solbjerg Plads on 29 March from 11 to 16. It gives students and new CBS graduates the chance to meet companies who are ready to network and talk about future career prospects. By participating in the fair, you get the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what the companies look for when hiring a new employee. The particpating companies include: A.P. Møller Mærsk, Bloomberg, Novo Nordisk and Zalando.

The agenda for the fair

11 presentations from different companies will be held in lecture hall SPs10 throughout the day. The companies will talk about their organisation, their corporate culture and the career opportunities which they can offer you. Dell/EMC will also give tips and tricks on how to prepare yourself for a job interview. 

You can read more about the presentations and officially register at When you have signed up, you will receive a key hanger with a name tag upon arrival which will function as your ticket.

Before the fair

We encourage you prepare for the Career Fair to get as much out of the day as possible. Which companies would you like to talk with? Do you have any questions you would like to have answered? What would you like to say about yourself?  On 27 March, you can attend CBS Careers' preparation seminar to find inspiration.

Sign up for the fair.

At, you can see a map of where the different companies are located, when and where they will have their presentations, and read more about the companies and their visions.

If you have any questions, contact Tanja Nesager Hejlskov, Event Manager.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/01/2017