Find out how to get your diploma or get third party verifications.
To verify a copy of your diploma, you must appear in person with the original certificate and a copy.
You must write an email to to arrange time and place.
Please note that we have a processing time of up to 20 working days.
If it is urgent, you can contact a notary from the courts in order to have your diploma verified.
CBS does not hold any copies of your diploma.
You need to scan your own diploma if you need a digital version of it.
We do not send documentation to third parties anymore due to GPDR and security reasons.
We can send you a new grade transcript to you, which you can forward to your receiver.
If you wish a new grade transcript, you can write to this email:
If necessary, your third party can get your degree and date of completion confirmed by writing to this CBS
Diploma Supplement section 3.2 of your diploma states whether the programme was taught as a full-time or part-time programme.
Furthermore, it is also stated in the Study regulation in § 1, section 3, whether the programme was taught as a full-time or part-time programme.
It is not possible to receive a personal “confirmation of full-time/part-time programme”. The information is already documented and verified through the final diploma from CBS (the diploma supplement).
You can also find a separate confirmation of the administrative study year at CBS
Unfinished education
If you did not complete your degree at CBS and need a grade transcript for credit transfer, you can ask for a grade transcript from:
Please include the following information in your email:
- Your full name (If you have changed your name(s), please include your full name from your time at CBS)
- Date of birth
- The study programme in question and the years of your enrolment
Whether you need the documentation in Danish or in English (Please note, all activities from 2007 and before can only be made in Danish and we cannot provide any translation into English)
If your your diploma is lost or destroyed, we can make replacement diploma, please send an email to:
You must include the following in the email:
- Your full name (Please mention if you have changed your name(s) since your time at CBS)
- Date of birth
- The study programme in question and the years of your enrollment
- Your current address
If you need a confirmation for a security clearance in connection with an employment, we kindly ask that you send us an email with information about what you need CBS to confirm and to whom.
Write to this email: and please include the information below in your email:
- Your name
- Name of your study programme at CBS
- The final year of your enrollment
- Name, phone number, email address as well as name of the department for the person we should send the confirmation to.
Diploma Supplement section 2.5 of your diploma states the language of instruction and examination of your programme.
The language of instruction for the individual courses is stated in the course description in your programme regulations. You can find your programme regulations here.
You can also find a separate confirmation of which bachelor programmes and which graduate programme are taught in English here:
Bachelor - English taught programmes
Master - English taught programmes
It is not possible to receive a personal “Medium of Instruction letter” as requested by the Visas and Nationality Services (ECCTIS). The information needed for the English language proficiency application is already documented and verified through the final diploma from CBS (the diploma supplement).
Typically, WES and institutions alike will accept a verified grade transcript.
A physical copy
If you need a verified, physical copy of your diploma, please contact and arrange to come by CBS with your original diploma as well as the copy. We will then verify the copy for you.
If you are living/staying abroad and cannot come by CBS, you can have a notary verify your copy based on the original version.
If you need verification that a student has finished a degree at CBS, please send an email to:
Please note: we can only confirm or deny that a person has completed a specific degree. We cannot give out any other information about the student or the degree.
How to continue your studies and find information about previously offered programmes:
CBS primarily educates candidates for the business sector. But some degrees gives access to teach at upper secondary schools.
You can find general information about the requirements for the teaching qualifications at the Ministry of Children and Education’s website.
Here you can find information about which courses CBS candidates can teach in – see Liste over universitetsfag og gymnasiefag (pdf) on the Ministry of Children and Education’s website.
If you have questions about teaching qualifications, you can contact the Ministry of Children and Education. You can find more information here (in Danish).
You are also welcome to email us at
We encourge you to maintain your acess to e-boks/ We only send mail to e-boks.