1917-2017: The complete catalogue of CBS annual reports is now available online
Did you know that the cost of taking a course in 1917 at Købmandsskolens Handelshøjskoleafdeling, the precursor of CBS, ran at DKK 10? Or that Julius Hirsch, a German economist, became its first professor in 1936?
These, as well as other, historical facts can be found in the CBS annual reports, previously available in print and upon request only but now just a click of a mouse away. As part of the CBS centenary celebrations, CBS Library has digitized and published all annual reports and made them available to the general public.
The goal has been to collect all reports in one place and thus make them easily available for anybody to browse and search online.
The majority of the reports are available in Danish only, but since 1991 many have been translated and are now available in both Danish and English.
The annual reports are published via the CBS Open Journals platform. Try out the online version of the annual reports.