3 great spots for studying

The library is an obvious destination when you need to get away from home and concentrate on studying. If all the seats at Solbjerg Plads are booked you have some alternatives.

Reading Rooms

Solbjerg Plads
Biblioteket Solbjerg Plads
Dalgas Have
Læsesal i Dalgas Have
Graduate House
Læsesal i Graduate House
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

If you also find it easier to concentrate and be motivated while studying in an environment with fellow students, here is a guide to places to settle down with your laptop and books.

CBS Library runs 3 reading rooms across CBS Campus. You can borrow a key for a locker in all of them and avoid having to carry your stuff back and forth.

388 study seats in the library at Solbjerg Plads

The largest reading room on campus with access to book collections and help from the librarians.

There are nearly 400 study seats, and 88 are located in the quiet reading room on the second floor. You need to book a seat on the 1st and 2nd floor but the ground floor is free for all. All floors have lounge areas if you prefer softer seating or need a break.

If you book a seat in the Quiet Reading Room on the 2nd floor no one mumbles, chews out loud or types away loudly on their keyboard - it has to be quiet.

Printers are located on the 1st floor in the IT room. Coffee and snacks are available for purchase in the CBS Library Kiosk - get a PIN for your study ID by the Campus Desk for access. The PIN is also needed for access through the night entrance.

Opening hours: 7:30-23:00 through the main entrance and 24/7 with an access card.

152 study seats in Dalgas Have

The second-largest reading room with 152 study seats, 103 cannot be booked but serves as "first come, first served".

Printers are available in DH.C.0.10 and on the ground floor by the Campus Desk. Coffee and snacks for purchase in the canteen. After closing hours, you can enter the cafeteria with your student or access card.

Opening hours: 7:30-21:00.

96 study seats in Graduate House

Two reading rooms with 48 study seats and sofa areas. Borrow keys for the lockers at the Campus Desk.

Printers are located on the 2nd floor by the reading room. Coffee and snacks for purchase in the canteen are accessible after hours with your student ID card as an access card.

Opening hours: 24/7 with access card.


Read more about reading rooms and see a map of seat numbers

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 08/05/2024