Center for Corporate Governance


On this page you can find the CCG staff members who are researching within the field of boardwork.


Niels Westergård-Nielsen    


Niels Westergård-Nielsen, MSc (Econ), Aarhus University, 1975, PhD (lic.polit), University of Copenhagen, 1982. Employed as associate professor at Aarhus School of Business Jan 1984,  Professor Sept. 1989 - May 2013. Visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin 1979-80, University of Chicago, 1983, NBER, Harvard University, 1997, Curtrin University, Perth, 1998, RSF-scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 2007-2008. Director of Center for Labour and Social Studies (Grundforskningscenter), Aarhus University, 1992-2000, Director Center for Corporate Performance, Aarhus School of  Business, 2001-2013. Consulting for the OECD, 1986, 1993-97 and for the World Bank 1994-97 (Zambia) and 2003 (Namibia).  


Thomas Poulsen


Thomas Poulsen is Associate Professor of corporate governance at the Department of Accounting and Auditing (AAC) at Copenhagen Business School and a member of the Center for Corporate Governance, also at Copenhagen Business School. His research is currently focused on long-term ownership in general and industrial foundations in particular, as well as on labor relations and wage inequality. Over the years, Thomas has published twice in the leading field journal of corporate governance – Corporate Governance: An International Review. His other works primarily appear in financial economics journals. Thomas teaches one course in behavioral economics and another in corporate finance.



Therese Strand


Therese Strand is a Ph.D., associate professor at the Center for Corporate Governance (INT), Copenhagen Business School, Associate Research Scholar in Law, Center for the Study of Corporate Law, Yale Law School (2014-2015), chairman of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network (NCGN).

Previously visiting MBA lecturer, Thammasat University (2010), visiting scholar, Harvard Law School (2009), PhD Candidate, Stockholm University (finance dept.) and affiliated with the Centre for Business and Policy Studies (2005-2008).






Casper Berg Lavmand


Casper is employed as a Ph.d. fellow at Center for Corporate Governance, Copenhagen Business School. He holds a Master degree in Economics (cand.polit) from University of Copenhagen and is currently studying part time for a B.A. in Philosophy at Open University (University of Copenhagen). In his interdisciplinary research, Casper focuses primarily on ethics embedded in the design and functioning of corporate governance mechanisms. Revolving around the idea of a stakeholder society, his research involves topics on owner identities and employee participation. Casper is member of the Ph.d Association CBS (PAC) and teach a course in Corporate Governance.




The page was last edited by: Department of Accounting // 05/06/2024