39th Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association på CBS
Dette års EFA konference har mere end 500 deltagere fra hele verden. Blandt 1476 indsendte forskningspapirer er 216 udvalgt til præsentation på konferencen. Udvælgelsen af papers til præsentation på konferencen er baseret på anonyme reviews fra et stort internationalt panel af 390 anerkendte forskere inden for finansiel økonomi. Alle indsendte papers er blevet anonymt vurderet og ”rated” af to reviewers fra dette panel. I lighed med tidligere år har konkurrencen om at komme på programmet været hård, hvilket den lave ”acceptance rate” på 15% også vidner om.
Programmet med de accepterede papers er tilgængeligt på EFA 2012 konferencens hjemmeside www.efa2012.org.
Konferencens faglige program foregår over to og en halv dag på CBS med 8 parallelle sessioner og en keynote talk fredag eftermiddag den 17. august. Dette års keynote speaker er Prof. Darrell Duffie fra Stanford University.
Tilmelding kan lade sig gøre under hele konferencen, se venligst konferencens hjemmeside.
English version
39th Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association will be hosted at CBS
The annual meeting of the European Finance Association (EFA) will take place from August 15-18, 2012 at CBS.
This year’s EFA conference has more than 500 participants from all over the world. Among the 1476 research papers submitted for the conference, 216 have been selected for presentation at the conference. The selection process of submitted papers has been based on anonymous peer-reviews from a large international panel of 390 esteemed researchers within financial economy. All submitted papers have been anonymously evaluated and rated by two reviewers from this international panel. As has been the case for the previous EFA conferences, the competition to enter the program has been fierce, which the low ‘acceptance rate’ of only 15% testifies to.
The program with accepted papers is available at the EFA 2012 conference website: www.efa2012.org.
The academic program will last two and a half day and will be hosted at CBS with 8 parallel sessions and a keynote address Friday afternoon, August 17, 2012. This year’s keynote speaker is Prof. Darrell Duffie from Stanford University.
On-site registration is available for those interested in participating. For more information, please see the conference website.