Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2019
The Danish Finance Institute will host its second annual conference on Thursday October 10, 2019, from 12.30 – 18.30, at Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, SP201.
The conference includes contemporary issues in finance and a panel discussion on retail investors’ financial decisions and the advice Danish banks are providing in that connection.
Keynote Speaker
Francois Degeorge, Università della Svizzera italiana and Swiss Finance Institute
Morten Bennedsen, University of Copenhagen and DFI
Anil Kumar, Aarhus University and DFI
Kasper Meisner Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School and DFI
Jeppe Borre, Arbejdernes Landsbank
Claus Harder, Danske Bank
Marlene Nørgaard, mybanker
Carsten Tanggaard, Aarhus University
Moderator of panel discussion
Anne Louise Houmann, FinansWatch
Find the full program and sign up here: www.dfiannualconference.cbs.dk
Deadline for registration: October 4, 2019, at noon