Tietgen Prize awarded to Ulf Nielsson

The Tietgen prize of 100.000 DKK goes to Ulf Nielsson for his research on financial markets


Ulf Nielsson, Assistant Professor at The Department of Finance, CBS, received the Tietgen Prize of 100.000 DKK at the DSEB award ceremony that took place May 29, 2013.

Ulf received the prize due to his research on stock exchange merger and the challenges that companies face when trying to raise new capital. Among other, Ulf's research has shown that the longer geographical distance between a company listed on the stock exchange and an investor, the higher the risk of an investor misjudging the value of the company.

‘Ulf’s research contributions are not only novel, but also very timely considering today’s financially constrained capital markets. His work is of widespread relevance, as it promotes a better understanding of the capital raising process, which ultimately can allow firms to acquire cheaper and more reliable funding to finance their future growth' says Professor Søren Hvidkjær, Head of Department at the Department of Finance CBS.


The Tietgen Prize is awarded to young research talents within the social sciences and the humanities, who, to a high degree, have achieved internationally recognized results. The Prize is awarded by DSEB (Danish Society for Education and Business – former FUHU) and was awarded for the first time in 1929 to mark the 100 year anniversary of C.F. Tietgen’s birthday.

The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 07/11/2023