Farewell lecture

by professor Henrik Schaumburg-Müller

Friday, April 1, 2011 - 14:00 to 15:00

When does business promote development?

- Reflections on strategy, context and linkages

It is a pleasure for CBS’ Department for Intercultural Communication and Management to invite colleagues, partners and friends to professor Henrik Schaumburg-Müller’s farewell lecture and following reception on Friday 1st April 2011.

On his first day of retirement after 40 years employment in the public sector, of which 35 years at CBS, professor Henrik Schaumburg-Müller will reflect over the evolution of the research field of business and development studies and discuss future challenges in the field, addressing the question when business promote development?

From his early fieldwork on farmers in India, to his most recent work on firm internationalization strategy in Vietnam, Henrik has been stressing the importance of firms and economic actors in development, and the pivotal role played by institutions in mobilizing the private sector for development. At CBS, Henrik has contributed to developing a research and teaching agenda that looks beyond the local region and into the - for firms and organizations - increasingly important emerging markets and developing countries. Henrik has been a leading force in developing the Business and Development Studies graduate programme, which now has more than 60 full time students every year, and he has since 2005 been director of the research Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS) at CBS


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Department of Intercultural Communication and Management

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