Torben Juul Andersen & Søren Bering: Integrating distribution, sales and services in manufacturing: A comparative case study
The study gains important insights about integration-oriented servitization efforts and uncovers the governance structures, coordination approaches, and management controls adopted by manufacturing firms that integrate downstream services effectively. High performance puts equal emphasis on production and downstream distribution, sales and services activities and motivates individual engagement in entrepreneurial efforts to develop combined product-services offerings valued by customers. Under performance prioritizes operating efficiency managed through planning, standardization, authority, and central controls. So, forward integration from manufacturing into distribution, sales and services adopted as a successful servitization strategy needs structure and particular coordination approaches to be effective in complex dynamic product-markets. As forward integration remains a common strategy among manufacturing firms that constitute the backbone of modern economies, the effective governance of these integration-oriented servitization efforts has important implications for societal value creation.
Available here.
The page was last edited by: Department of International Economics, Government and Business // 01/20/2023