Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)

Welcome to CBDS, interdisciplinary research centre on business and development studies.

New CBDS Podcast: East Asia’s Ambitious Green Energy Shift Explained
New Blog Post: Worker power and decent work in apparel export industries
New Blog Post: The macro-financial weakness of Europe’s policy on EV manufacturing
New CBDS Working Paper: Incumbent Advantage, Barriers to Entry, and Latecomer Catch-up in the Global Automotive Industry
New CBDS Policy Brief: Strategies for Assessing Triple Nexus Initiatives and Integrating Peace Aspects – Insights from Niger by Christina Plesner Volkdal
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About the Centre

CBDS is an interdisciplinary research centre established in 2005 and is today recognized as one of the leading research environments on business and development studies. We carry out critical, engaged and theoretically-driven research on the roles of business, government and civil society in promoting inclusive and sustainable development in the global South.

The research of CBDS staff members cuts across a wide range of critical issues, including

  • Local firm strategies, management and building technological capabilities in developing countries 
  • Multinational corporations, global value chains, and development 
  • Late industrialization and industrial policy
  • Corporate social and environmental responsibility in developing countries
  • Human rights and local communities
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation 
  • Business and humanitarian interventions 
  • Business sustainability and climate change.

CBDS feeds research-based teaching into the MSc programme on Business and Development Studies, which trains students to think critically and operate ethically in business and other professional realms. The Centre also provides expertise to policy makers, business, industry associations and civil society groups.


Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to stay updated about our activities and read the CBDS blog.

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 09/30/2024


Centre for Business and Development Studies
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg

Twitter and Facebook: @CBDScbs