7th Supply Chain Leaders Forum

Book a seat on 5th September 2018 at the annual Supply Chain Leaders Forum at Copenhagen Business School focusing on next level Digital Supply Chain and beyond: Smart Chain Management

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - 13:30 to 18:00

Copenhagen Business School and AAASCM would like to invite you to join the:

7th Supply Chain Leaders Forum 2018

We identify top-25 supply chain leaders in Denmark, award best of the best in industry and academia, and offer loads of inspiration and trends

Requirements of a great leader of supply chains today is changing dramatically:

  • Market-side: Expansion into new markets and channels, explosion in product innovations and customer-targeted requirements push for new, smart ways of creating and delivering services and products
  • External setting: Increasing regulation, ecofriendly behavior, Codes of Conduct, and changing tax and tariff setup constraint our options and forces us to constantly optimize in a smart, agility manner
  • And internally, complex supply structures with global sourcing, advanced IT systems requiring exponential growing data pools, and a constant push for lower cost and inventory – delivered through a highly motivated and skilled team of leaders and employees – forces us to be smart about our tasks and leadership

The flow of goods, information, and cash cannot be setup optimally years and months in advance to handle every customer demand and potential fails in the value chain – even done ideally on the go, it would require too many safeguards and is too expensive. Doing operational tasks better, faster and cheaper using traditional methods is no longer good enough. We need to be predictive and foresee the future. Leverage and extend real-time insights. Focus on value creating activities, and reduce or automate the rest. Future winners of SCM rethink their way of creating and delivering right products and services to customers by applying intelligence to focus efforts and obtain knowledge to support prime decisions.

SCM is dead, long live SCM - Supply Chain Management is transforming into Smart Chain Management. We need to be smart in the strategic design of our demand and supply structures, and how we set up supply foundations that are aligned and organically can adapt to the ever changing situations in the value chain. We need to prepare our supply system to fit circumstances tactically, and be smart in our daily tasks and decisions to secure needed agility to changes. The common denominator to enable this smart formation of supply chains is data. Data and analytics in various forms and shapes. Coupled with smart leadership. The theme of this event is


For the second year, we will identify and award Best Supply Chain Leader 2018 in collaborating with the international SCM communication channel, SCM Media, and the European SCM executive search company, Inspired-Search. The SCLF Board will identify top-25 leaders in SCM in Denmark and select the Best Supply Chain Leader 2018 to receive the SYNCRONIC-prize.

Like all previous years, we award the Best CBS GD-SCM final project and Best CBS Graduate Diploma (GD, formally known as HD) SCM Business Project, and will again this year join forces with the more technical side of SCM, Technical University of Denmark, in order to nominate and award the Best DTU Operations Management Thesis 2018.

Internationally recognized speakers and organizations from business and academia will inspire the audience with new philosophies and cases.

To secure maximum inspiration and networking we offer 16-20 booths where you may visit stands promoting the academic nominations and more commercial stands providing an insight into the newest in the SCM world – smart software, hardware, equipment, solutions, services, and companies looking for their next supply chain leader.

Honoring the best academic performances, providing inspiration, innovation and networking across and between students, employees and employers are key objectives for the Supply Chain Leaders Forum. This year will offer no less, and expectedly gather more than 200 participants.
The event takes place at:
Copenhagen Business School, Ovnhallen, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg
Wednesday, 5 September 2018, 13:30-17:00. Drinks, sandwiches and networking 17:00-18:00.

Register at www.tilmeld.dk/sclf2018 today.


The page was last edited by: Department of Operations Management // 08/16/2018