
Department of Organization

  • Research, Innovation and Organization (RIO) Group

Room: KIL/14.A-4.94

Signe Vikkelsø is a Professor of Science, Technology, and Organization with a background in social psychology from the University of Copenhagen and a PhD in organizational studies from Copenhagen Business School. Her research addresses topics at the intersection of science and technology studies, organization theory, and sociology of work. This includes examining how new technologies transform work practices and organizational principles, how organization theory itself has changed as a form of knowledge and field of practice, and how different goals and dilemmas are involved in organizing science and innovation. Her studies primarily employ qualitative data and methods such as organizational ethnography, interviews, archival studies, and digital methods. Signe has been the research leader or a core member of four externally funded collaborative research projects and has supervised 17 PhD students. She has substantial practical leadership experience from seven years as Head of Department and serving as Program Director, Academic Director, as well as a member of the Swedish Research Council and chairing the Psychosocial Research Committee of the Danish Cancer Society.

Primary research areas
  • Organizing principles
  • Organizational change
  • Organization of innovation
  • History of organization theory
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • PhD supervision
Other teaching activities

PhD course: "Framing the PhD project: How to connect parts to a whole in a paper-based dissertation?"


Selected publications
  • Vikkelsø, S., Skaarup, M.S. & Sommerlund, J. (2022). Organizational hybridity and mission drift in innovation partnerships, European Journal of Innovation Management, 25(5), 1348–1367.
  • Irwin, A., Vedel, J.B. & Vikkelsø, S. (2021). Isomorphic difference: Familiarity and distinctiveness in national research and innovation policies. Research Policy, 50(4), 104220.
  • Du Gay, P. & Vikkelsø, S. (2017). For formal organization: The past in the present and future of organization theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Vikkelsø, S. (2015). Core task and organizational reality, Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(4), 418–438.
Publications List
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In the media

Signe Vikkelsø / Basic Rationales in Science and Innovation Policy : Tracing Ideational Patterns Across Contexts and Vernaculars.
Abstract from The EASST-4S 2024 Conference, 2024
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Signe Vikkelsø; Morten Knudsen / On Regulatory Reach into Internal Organization : Some Lessons on Structural Flux and Opacity from the Danske Bank Money Laundering Scandal.
Abstract from SASE 36th Annual Conference 2024, 2024
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Signe Vikkelsø; Mikkel Stokholm Skaarup; Julie Sommerlund / Organizational Hybridity and Mission Drift in Innovation Partnerships
In: European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 25, No. 5, 12.2022, p. 1348-1367
Journal article > peer review
Thorben Simonsen; Signe Vikkelsø / Organizational Space as Sites of Contention : Unravelling Relations of Dis/Order in a Psychiatric Hospital.
In: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2.2022, p. 79-106
Journal article > peer review
Thomas Duus Henriksen; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Signe Vikkelsø; Frans Bévort; Mette Mogensen / A Paradox Rarely Comes Alone a Quantitative Approach to Investigating Knotted Leadership Paradoxes in SMEs
In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 37, No. 1, 3.2021
Journal article > peer review
Thomas Duus Henriksen; Signe Vikkelsø; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Frans Bévort / From Managers’ Practical Problems to Complex Understandings : Three Approaches for Understanding the Development of Management Problems.
Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Alan Irwin; Jane Bjørn Vedel; Signe Vikkelsø / Isomorphic Difference : Familiarity and Distinctiveness in National Research and Innovation Policies.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 50, No. 4, 5.2021
Journal article > peer review
Aixa Aleman-Diaz; Signe Vikkelsø; Jane Bjørn Vedel; Alan Irwin; Julia Kirch Kirkegaard; Xiaobai Shen; Xuan Li / National Science and Innovation Policy : Between Curiosity, Market, and Mission .
Abstract from EU-SPRI, 2021
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Paul du Gay; Signe Vikkelsø / Book review:"Crabs in a Bucket"
In: Organization, Vol. 25, No. 6, 11.2018, p. 841-844
Book review > peer review
Frans Bévort (Editor) ; Thomas Duus Henriksen (Editor) ; Anne-Mette Hjalager (Editor) ; Henrik Holt Larsen (Editor) ; Rikke Kristine Nielsen (Editor) ; Signe Vikkelsø (Editor) / Ledelsesdilemmaer : Strejftog gennem faglitteraturen.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 228 p. (Ledelses-GPS til en ny tid: Fra komfortzone til konkurrencekraft, Vol. 1)
Anthology > peer review
More results... (total 52 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

CBS Executive - Teaching, Research, Management course
(7 full days)

No outside activities to report

Public presentation - Ledelseskonferencen
(2 hours, November 7, 2022)

No outside activities to report

Center for Ledelse
Key lecture ("Fremtidens organisationsformer")

Swedish Research Council
Expert referee

Swedish Research Council
Expert referee