Answer to your application
When do you receive the answer to your application?
When you receive an answer to your application, will depend on when you have applied.
Was your application deadline 15 January? (Group 2) | You will get the answer to your application 15 March. | You have five days from receiving your answer to accept or reject your study place. |
Was your application deadline 1 March? (Group 1) | You will get the answer to your application 10 June. | You have five days from receiving your answer to accept or reject your study place. |
Learn more about application deadlines at
Have you been offered a study place?
If you are offered a study place at one of the programmes you have applied for (i.e. you are fully accepted or conditionally accepted), you must accept or reject the offered study place no later than five days after you have received the answer. If you have another deadline, it will be stated in your answer letter. It is possible to accept a study place and later withdraw up until study start. This will not affect your chances of getting accepted if you choose to apply again in future application rounds.
Please note, if you have legal claim and withdraw after accepting your study place, you have used your legal claim.
When you have said yes to your study place, it means that you have reserved a study place at CBS and that you from 1 September (1 February for the winter intake on MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business) are officially enrolled at your offered programme. If you do not say "yes" to your study place before the deadline, you will lose the spot and you will not be offered a spot on your lower priority.
If you have accepted the offered study place, but then change your mind and decide not to study at CBS after all, you must withdraw from the programme. If you change your mind before study start, please write an e-mail to Graduate Admission stating that you do not wish to start the programme:
If you change your mind after study start, you need to de-enrol from your programme. You can read more about how to de-enrol from you programme on under Choices & Options > Study planning > De-enrolment (requires CBS-login).
Please note, de-enrolment might have consequences for your SU.
If you say "no" to your offered study place, you will not be offered at place on a lower priority. If you say "no", you cannot change your mind about this choice later on.
If you say "no" to your offered study place, this will not have an influence on your application if you decide to apply again in the future.
If you are accepted to CBS, you must remember to say "yes" (or "no") to your study place no later than five days after you receive your answer letter. You can do so in the Application Portal. Please read your answer letter carefully. You should only accept or reject your offered place after reading it thoroughly.
You can accept or reject the study place under the tab "see the status of application" (marked with a blue box in the image below).
- Click on the "action" tab (marked with a red box in the image below).
- After clicking "accept" or "reject offer", the status of your application will change.
- You will receive a confirmation in the Application Portal and you will see that the status of your application changes:
Language: | Status: When offered a study place: | Status: When you have accepted: |
English: | Assessment completed, Offered admission | Assessment completed, Admitted |
Assessment completed, Offered conditional admission | Assessment completed, Conditionally admitted | |
Danish: | Afgjort, Optagelse tilbudt | Afgjort, Optaget |
Afgjort, Betinget optagelse tilbudt | Afgjort, Betinget optaget |
Fully accepted
If you have received a letter of full acceptance, and there are no conditions attached to your acceptance, the only thing you need to do is accept or reject the study place in the Application Portal. Once you have accepted your study place, you are enrolled in the programme and your application process is completed and you no longer need to do anything in regards to admission.
Conditionally accepted
If you have received a letter of conditional acceptance, you are not fully admitted at the programme until you have fulfilled all the requirements for admission listed in your letter.
Read your letter of conditional acceptance carefully: make sure you understand what the conditions are and the deadlines for them to be fulfilled. If you have any questions, please contact us.
If you accept your study place, it is important that you upload the necessary documentation proving that you fulfil the remaining conditions no later than 31 August. If you have received a letter of conditional acceptance to winter intake for MSc Business Administration and Digital Business, you must document that you fulfil the conditions no later than 31 January.
You will receive an email, when it is possible to upload the necessary documentation.
Things to remember:
- If you do not fulfil the conditions in your answer letter, your enrollment will be annulled and you risk having to refund your SU.
- There are strict rules for supplementary courses, if you apply for admission next year and have signed up for supplementary courses this summer - read more about the rules for supplementary courses.
There are three categories of conditions you may receive:
- Courses
- Bachelor's degree
- Official grade transcript
Below you can read more about the different conditions and what you can do if you do not fulfil the conditions before the deadline.
If you have taken qualifying supplementary courses outside of CBS, you must upload official documentation to the Application Portal, when you have passed the courses. Please note, that you must have informed us about the course when you applied and the course must be stated in your answer letter as a condition for full acceptance.
If you have taken a course at CBS (e.g. courses at CBS Summer University) we will check ourselves if you have passed the course. Please note, that you must have informed us about the course when you applied and the course must be stated in your answer letter as a condition for full acceptance.
If you do not pass the course listed in your letter of conditional acceptance before the start of your study programme, you will not be fully admitted and your admission will be annulled. You cannot take supplementary courses at the same time as your master's programme.
Bachelor's degree
You must document that you have finished your bachelor’s degree by uploading your final bachelor diploma and transcript to the Application Portal. In certain circumstances, a temporary graduation certificate may also be accepted - see more information below.
If you do not upload the required documentation before study start 1 September at the latest (1 February for winter intake at MSc Business Administration and Digital Business), we will annul your conditional acceptance to the master’s programme.
Students from CBS or other Danish universities
We will check if you have graduated ourselves. If we cannot see directly in the system that you have graduated, you will be notified via the Application Portal and asked to upload documentation proving that you have completed your bachelor’s degree. It is important that you keep yourself updated on the status of your application.
If you are asked to upload documentation and you do not have a diploma yet, you may upload a PDF document from the Online Student Service without a stamp and signature from the university. CBS Admissions will verify the authenticity of the document through automatic data transfer and, if necessary, ask you to upload additional documentation.
Diploma and temporary replacement:
- name of the institution awarding the bachelor’s degree
- date when the degree was awarded (cannot be a future date)
- your name
- academic title/degree awarded
- name of the institution awarding the bachelor’s degree
- date of award/conferral of the degree (cannot be a future date)
- your name
- academic title/degree awarded
- the student has completed all the courses
- the student has passed all the courses required to graduate
- the student has passed a certain number of ECTS-points
- the bachelor examination has been passed
- the student has fulfilled all the requirements for graduation
- the student has applied for the degree certificate
- the student has been recommended for the award of the bachelor’s degree
- the student will be/is eligible for the degree
- A good quality colour scan of the original document, carrying the institution’s logo/letterhead, ink stamp or raised seal, and ink signature of an authorised official, or
- Electronic documents with an online verification code that we can verify on the issuing institution’s website or in a national verification portal (Make sure to provide us with a password, if needed) or
- Electronic documents are acceptable if signed by your university with a valid digital signature (for example, certified electronic signature by a provider on the European Union Trusted Lists)
Verification of Documentation
CBS reserves the right to contact any issuing institution of documentation you have attached to your application to verify its authenticity. If CBS suspects fraud, we are obliged to report this to the police and other relevant authorities.
Official transcript
If you uploaded an unofficial transcript when applying, you have to upload the final, official one.
All courses and grades on the final transcript must match the ones on the unofficial transcript, that we used when assessing your application.
If you cannot meet the deadline for fulfilling the conditions
If you're concerned that you might not be able to fulfill, or document that you fulfill the requirements before the deadline, check here if there is something you can do.
If you have completed your bachelor's degree by study start but you have not received the final documentation, you can request a short deadline extension. Please read more below.
If your last exam takes place after 31 August, you can only apply for permission to enrol in Master's courses if you are a CBS bachelor student. Please read more below if you are a CBS student.
If you've completed your bachelor's studies, but your university has not issued your bachelor’s diploma, and cannot issue a provisional certificate that fulfils the requirements above, fill out our form for requesting an extension to the documentation deadline.
The application form should be uploaded to the Application Portal (we will notify you when the Application Portal is open again by the end of June). Please note that the form can only be submitted after you have attended your final exam. The form for 2025 will be available on this page mid-June 2025.
By filling out and signing the form, you confirm that your last exam/paper/project/defense took place no later than 31 August.
You can obtain a short deadline extension, until no later than 28 September, to provide the final, official proof that you graduated no later than 31 August.
If you study at CBS, it is, in rare circumstances, possible to begin your master studies while finishing your bachelor's degree. This is not possible for applicants studying their HD2 at CBS or applicants from other Danish or international universities, according to the University Programme Order (Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen) s. 15 (in Danish only).
You can apply for permission to enrol in master courses after you have accepted a study place. The application form will be available on this page mid-June 2025.
If you are allowed to enrol in master courses, you must complete your bachelor's degree by 31 January. If you are eligible for SU (Student Grant), please be aware that this may have consequences for your SU grant.
Your application is processed with the documentation you applied with.
If you are rejected, it is most likely to be because you do not fulfill the requirements or you were not selected among the qualified applicants in the programmes you applied for. The possible rejection reasons are that you:
- did not fulfill the admission requirements for the programme you applied for
- did not upload sufficient documentation
- were not selected for the programme you applied for
- applied too late
- did no pay the application or tuition fee
Read more about the general entry requirements on the programmes’ individual admission pages.
Have you finished your bachelor's degree?
Whether or not you have finished your bachelor's degree does not have an influence in the selection process. If it says in your rejected letter that you are also missing to finish your bachelor's degree, it is not the reason why your application was rejected. It is solely the selection criteria that determined that you were not offered a study place.
Do you plan to apply again?
If you wish to apply for admission to the same programme next year, you are to make sure that you fulfil the entry requirements; however, please note that fulfilment of the entry requirements does not guarantee admission.
Have you signed up for supplementary courses?
If you are rejected and had planned to take supplementary courses during the summer, you should be aware of the rules regarding supplementary courses. Learn more about the rules for supplementary courses.
You may appeal our decision if you believe that the legal basis for the decision is not correct and/or not in accordance with the rules and regulations. You cannot appeal our professional judgement, as CBS Admissions' decision is final and cannot be tried before any other authority.
Contact us before you appeal
No matter if you are unhappy about the legal basis or the decision itself, we recommend that you please contact us in either case. This could clear up any misunderstanding or mistake.
If you wish to appeal the decision, because you believe it is not in accordance with the rules and regulations for graduate admission in Denmark ("Adgangsbekendtgørelsen"), you have to appeal to the the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. Your complaint ought to specify the legal deficiencies you believe the decision is affected by.
Examples of deficiencies: lack of, or insufficient justification for, the decision, lack of legal basis or complaint guidance.
The deadline for lodging a complaint is 2 weeks from the day the decision was announced to you. The complaint must be addressed to the Agency but submitted to CBS Legal –
CBS will make a statement on the complaint, which you will have the opportunity to comment on within a deadline of at least 1 week before the entire case is forwarded to the Agency.
Time limit