On Digital Business, you learn to link practical management and business understanding with a strong understanding of digital tools and current and emerging platforms - for services, information, data retrieval, analysis and communication as well as the role these may play in the broader context of business. You focus on multi-sided interactions and an entrepreneurial and innovative engagement with new digital products, processes, tools, or interfaces.
Potentials in digitalisation
While IT solutions are often seen to be about simply doing things faster or cheaper, on Digital Business you learn to consider a wide range of new digital value propositions and work with the rapidly developing potentials that digitalisation bring to businesses, organisations, users, and customers. At the same time, you will learn how to ensure that the engagement with IT and digitalisation for businesses is always considered in the context of regulatory, security and ethical frameworks. This will enable you to work with and communicate about implementations of security and legal policies when working with IT solutions.
A cross-disciplinary approach
At CBS, you will discover that we discuss issues in a very practical way while retaining a strong academic foundation. Working in a cross-disciplinary and culturally diverse student environment, Digital Business engages you in the analysis, design, and assessment of problems and solutions based on real-life cases. You learn how to apply theory and reflect on methodological choices in order to understand emerging digital trends and new possibilities.
A broad understanding of digital business
On the programme, we maintain a broad understanding of digital business. Issues may apply to:
Studying Digital Business can be equally centered on the use of digital technology for commercial business as for public services and other types of organisations.
During the 2nd year of this programme, you can shape your degree based on your interests and create your own academic profile. If you have a bachelor degree in business, it might benefit you to take courses that provide additional technical understanding and skills. If you have a highly technical bachelor degree, you may choose more business-oriented courses.
During the 3rd semester, you can choose to study courses of your specific interest. CBS offers a large number of electives within a wide range of topics in economics, business administration and other related disciplines. The electives you choose need to be relevant for your programme. You can have a look at the current selection of CBS electives. You can also choose to take electives at other Danish universities.
During the 3rd semester, you can also choose to study a so-called minor. A minor is a package of electives within a specific academic area which typically consists of 3 courses. By taking a minor you can strengthen your competences within a specific area of your interests, and you can use it to qualify for specific jobs or branches.
See the current selection of CBS minors on Minors
A lot of students choose to go on exchange on their 3rd semester. They usually do so through one of CBS’ many international collaboration agreements. When you go on exchange through CBS, you do not have to pay tuition fee at the foreign university (with a few exceptions). Find a list of all our partner universities here
Academic internship
You can substitute some of your electives with a so-called academic internship. You can choose to do the internship anywhere in the world. The academic internship consists of a working period in a company which is completed with a project report. The project report and work assignments during your internship should be relevant to this study programme.
Master's thesis
The second year is finalised with writing your master's thesis. You choose the topic you want to write about, which allows you to focus and specialise on a topic of your interest. You write the master's thesis either alone or with a partner.
Strong focus on innovation and new technologies
The programme has a large focus on innovation. Not as an abstract concept, but how to work practically and interdisciplinarily with innovation and development when solving problems.
Digital Business is primarily about the meeting between people and technology. It does not necessarily mean that you have to be an IT wizard, but it is important that you are curious about new technologies and how they can be applied.
Different disciplines
The programme covers quite a few disciplines, and for most students it is a challenge that they cannot be equally good at everything.
The technical courses may be quite demanding for students with non-technical background. To others, the law elements may be particularly difficult to become acquainted with. And for those who have not immersed themselves in business economics before, a whole new logic must be learned, when everything you work with must be seen through the eyes of an organisation or company.
Systematic approach
You will benefit from being able to plan ahead and work structured. Successful IT projects require systematism and detail control, and this way of working is not only relevant during your studies, but also in your future career.
Focus on innovation
The programme has a large focus on innovation. Not as an abstract concept, but how to work practically and interdisciplinarily with innovation and development when solving problems.
Studying in English
If you do not have bachelor degree taught in English, we recommend that you read more about what to consider before applying for an English taugt programme.
Read more about Teaching and literature in English on Teaching and working methods.
Different student backgroundsDigital Business is the natural progression for students on BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management. Students also come with widely different bachelor degrees, and students learn a lot from each other when collaborating. We emphasise interdisciplinary work from a shared base of knowledge and focus on team collaboration and student engagement.
Collaboration between studentsStudents in Digital Business both collaborate on projects and in class. You should be open to collaborate with and learn from your fellow students whose backgrounds may differ from your own.
Student life at CBSStudying at CBS is much more than just preparing doe and going to classes. Learn about the vibrant student life at CBS, the countless student organisations you can join, and the international environment on
Student life
You will probably experience that Digital Business changes between theory and practice on an ongoing basis. The literature is very theoretic, and the lectures put the theory into further perspective.
The group projects, where you and your fellow students together find practical solutions to real problems are also a major element of the programme,
In exercise lessons, where you will work with practical cases. The case work covers real-life Digital Business problems in new start-ups to already established organisations. The case work also covers the different digital platforms and the different types of objectives technology may help to achieve.
The theoretical part of the programme provides you with the tools to analyse the needs of companies and consumers - and an understanding of the possibilities provided by technology. The practical perspective gives you the tools to rely on the theory and develop, plan, and implement the solutions.
Read more on Teaching and working methods
There are many different types of exams and work methods in Digital Business. Each semester is completed by a group project, in which students apply the theoretical basis of the programme to find practical solutions to cases.
Read more on Exams at CBS
Time consumption
You should know that it is demanding to study in a graduate programme, and both the curriculum and workload is significantly higher than at bachelor level.
If you are studying on a full-time graduate programme, you should expect spending approximately 37 hours on average on your studies each week. The workload will vary during the year.
The time leading up to assignment submissions and exams can be hectic, and you can easily work more than 40 hours a week in this period. Preparing for oral exams can be especially time consuming, because you have to be able to explain and discuss the covered concepts and theories and learn things by heart.
Read more on Teaching and working methods
Student job
Most programmes are quite flexible in terms of combining studies with a student job. Most students work a maximum of 15 hours a week in order to have sufficient time for their studies.
Studying in Denmark - for internationals
If this is your first time studying in Denmark, you may find teaching and exam formats, the grading scale and the academic calendar very different from what you are used to.
Read about everything you need to know as an international student studying at CBS on For internationals > Academic information
What gets you the job?
As students come with different bachelor degrees and have the option to customise their programme, they end up with quite different profiles which of course has an influence their career paths.
Most student get an interdisciplinary understanding of the cross field between business, technology, and practical IT project management, but their diversity is just as important.
To some students the technological understanding is crucial and to others it may be the understanding of consumer behaviour, business models or business development - or specialised knowledge within the framework and requirements related to digital business.
Career Opportunities
Digital Business graduates land their first jobs quite fast.
They often cover a broad scope of IT-related tasks and responsibilities. They use their competences within project management, management, organisation, and business to a large extent.
Some graduates work in Digital Business consultancy. Others work with the development of Digital Business solutions, or are employed in companies using Digital Business platforms.
The companies range from sole traders to very large corporations, and the jobs may be aimed at the Danish as well as the international market. The companies can be private, public or voluntary organisations. The broad range of careers reflects the diversity of the student profiles, but also the fact that Digital Business is very widespread and not limited to different industries or sectors.
Graduates are e.g. qualified to hold the following positions:
- Jobs in IT departments
- Jobs in business development, especially with focus on expansion of digital business areas
- Positions related to design, implementation and development of corporate e-commerce solutions
- Positions related to design, development and innovation of digital products and services
- Consultancy positions, especially within development or counseling regarding digital business solutions
- Self-employed or as a partner in small businesses, including companies that are housed in an incubator or other innovation environments engaged in developing digital solutions - or intending to develop digital solutions or products
- Jobs in public corporations, especially in positions with focus on digital communication and business elements or development of new digital solutions
Competence profile
In the competence profile you can read more about the purpose of the programme and the competencies you achieve in the programme:
Competence profile for MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business
MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business is also offered as a part-time master (erhvervskandidat). The part-time master is structured as a 4 year programme with 8 semesters of each 15 ECTS per semester which allow you to have more time to work besides your studies.
To qualify for the part time programme you must meet the same entry requirements as the full-time programme, AND have relevant employment, and work a minimum of 25 hours a week.
Read more about the part-time master programme here
Digital Business is the only master programme at CBS that is offered with study start in both February and September. Therefore, you can apply for admission twice a year.
Read more about the
Winter application round
The courses are structured differently depending on your bachelor background. This can be seen in the course overviews below.