Special needs and accessibility

Denmark is a society where equality and fairness are valued. CBS aims to give all students equal opportunities.

Special conditions at exams

When you have a disability, you can apply for an exemption to receive special conditions at exams at CBS. Some examples are:

  • Extra time for exams
  • Sit-in written exams at a shielded desk in a quiet room with fewer students
  • Bringing extra aids such as headphones, dyslexia software or your own computer

When to apply for the exemption 
You can apply for the exemption right after you have been informed about your course enrolment and have checked your class schedule. You cannot apply in advance or before knowing which courses you are enrolled in.

The case processing of your application takes time, so it is important you remember to apply well in advance. We will inform you in due time about when you need to apply for the exemption.  

How to apply
In your exemption application, you should outline which special conditions you require and why you need them.

You can read more about how to apply for special conditions at exams on the student intranet my.cbs.dk (login required) once you have been admitted to CBS. 

Prepare your application
You need to gather documentation, in the form of a letter from your doctor or a letter from your university which describes the extra help that you are given at your home university. We will try to match that and give the same kind of help

Special needs during teaching activities

Before or during the first class, you can approach your teachers about your special needs and ask them if they can be helpful – e.g. by sending you any course slides prior to the individual class. The more you tell them about what your needs are, the more likely it is that they will help you.

Unfortunately, there is no central office that deals with such issues.

Special aids for teaching and exams

Regretfully, CBS does not offer any special exam or teaching aids for exchange students. If you need specific aids, you need to bring your own from home to CBS. 

So if, for instance, you are visually impaired and you need specific aids in order to complete your courses, e.g. special software programs to enlarge text in reading materials, you must bring those aids to CBS from your home university.

Accessibility at CBS

CBS campus and all teaching facilities are easily accessible. You can find lifts in all buildings, so you have access to class rooms, the library, group study rooms, the canteens and much more. 

However, you should be aware that teaching activities at CBS take place in different buildings. If you have back-to-back classes in different buildings, you only have 10 minutes between classes to get from one building to the next. If you are in a wheelchair, it might be difficult to get to your next class in time. 

Create a schedule that accomodates your needs
We will try to help you create a schedule that can accomodate you needs. You can check where the teaching of your allocated courses will take place at the end of December for the spring semester and June for autumn semester. If your classes are back-to-back and take place in different buildings, you can change courses, but we cannot guarantee that we can help you create a schedule that will work for you.

Read more about how you can change courses (login required) after you have been enrolled.

Please note that the vast majority of your lectures and classes will take place on campus, so it is not possible to only have online courses. Only a few courses are taught fully or partially online. Even though attendance is not mandatory (in the the few cases that it is, it will be stated in the course description), it is expected that you show up on campus and participate in classes. 

Accessibility in student residences 

As an exchange student you can apply for housing in Copenhagen. Two of the student residence buildings have wheelchair access: Porcelænshaven and Kathrine Kollegiet

If you are a wheelchair user, please state so in your application for housing via the CBS Housing Department.

Please read more about housing and how to apply. 

Accessibility in Copenhagen

See the official information about getting around in Copenhagen; transport info and useful links to wheelchair rentals and other services.

Do you have questions?

You are welcome to reach out to Team Inbound to hear if it will be feasible for you in your situation to go to CBS on exchange.

Find contact information for exchange students


All information about special needs and disabilities is treated confidentially by CBS. It will not impact your application for becoming an exchange student or impact your teaching or exams. Our international students with disabilities or special needs are encouraged to disclose their situation to the relevant persons/departments if requesting accommodations for academic-related matters.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 02/20/2025