Book a free lecture by a CBS researcher

Until 5 April 2019 it’s possible to book a CBS researcher to hold a free lecture during the Danish Science Festival. Choose from among 18 different lectures covering topics as diverse as money laundering and tax evasion to personal finances and marketing of the future.



Why did petrol cars outpace electric cars on the market back in 1900? Do your personal finances need an overhaul? What demands do the major changes taking place in consumer behaviour put on marketing?

Right now you can book 18 different lectures by CBS researchers in connection with the 2019 Danish Science Festival. The only requirements are that the audience must contain at least 20 people and that there is a suitable room and facilities.

Deadline for booking: 5 April 2019

Overview of CBS lectures:

An anthropological perspective on finance and inequality
Researcher Daniel Souleles studies the financial sector and the logics that are at play. His lecture provides an overview of hierarchy and inequality throughout history, describing how current financial capitalism has created greater inequality among people than ever before.

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Danske Bank: What’s the next step after the scandal?
Strategy researcher Michael Mol has written a teaching case based on Danske Bank’s money laundering affair in Estonia. His lecture will discuss what direction would be beneficial for Danske Bank to take after the scandal. The audience will receive a variety of general strategy tools for future use.  

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From estimates to algorithms in the public sector
Researchers Ursula Plesner and Lise Justesen will focus on the pros and cons of digitisation in the public sector. They explore when it makes sense to replace a professional assessment with automated decision-making.

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The competition between electric and petrol cars: An old story
Researcher Claus Varnes will talk about his research on the car market. Originally electric cars had a larger market share from 1900 to 1902 in the US. Why did petrol cars end up taking over the market?

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The future of money: Smart money
Researcher Jonas Hedman will provide historical insight into how money has moved from being physical to digital and also describe the opportunities that provides.   

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How does visualisation affect our decisions?
Researcher Joana Geraldi studies design principles in relation to project management. His lecture will shed light on the importance of visualisation and how it can used without being misleading.  

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Personal finances
Researcher Michael Møller’s lecture will discuss key personal financial issues such as pensions, home ownership and investing. Personal finances are not a matter of being smart, but it is best to avoid making too many mistakes.

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The t-shirt is the message
How are t-shirts used today to create identity? How can t-shirts simultaneously be personal and an expression of mass consumption? Researcher Karl-Heinz Pogners will present the answers through his collection of t-shirts.

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Why do goods cost what they cost?
Researcher Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen’s lecture will talk about prices and why having them at all is a good idea. A brief version of the lecture is available (in Danish) on the Radio24/7 website.

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This building doesn't know we are here
Researcher Lara Hale studies how to create healthier indoor environments in buildings with the aid of new technology. Even though we spend 90 percent of our time indoors, we know little about how buildings affect our well-being.
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Management: Making leadership development even more practice-oriented
Many people currently base their leadership development on management concepts that arose in the US, where both society and working life are different. How does this affect the way we develop managers today? And what questions should we ask ourselves when we carry out leadership development in Danish companies? Hear researcher Maibrith Kempka Jensen’s take on this.
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Marketing of the future
What demands do the major changes taking place in consumer behaviour put on marketing? What are the new consumer trends and how do we enter into a dialogue with our customers? Associate Professor Per Østergaard Jacobsen will address these issues.

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What is big data and how do you achieve success with big data?
External Lecturer Per Østergaard Jacobsen will explain what big data is. Learn about what it takes for organisations and companies to create value with data while simultaneously achieving an impact through the company’s technological investments.

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When everything is changeable in the workplace
Researcher Signe Bruskin’s lecture will discuss changes. Many people talk about how change has become commonplace in the workplace. But what’s it like to go to work as an employee when changes have become an everyday feature of the workplace?

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Going digital: The digital transformation journey
Researcher Abayomi Baiere offers his take on four viable pathways that lead to a successful digital transformation.  

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Spain’s economy: Why was the crisis worse in Spain and how’s it going now?
How could it go so wrong in Spain? And what does the future look like on top of the financial crisis? Researcher Carsten Humlebæks provides some answers.

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Is it just Catalonia that has gone haywire or is it in fact all of Spain?
An illegal referendum on independence in the Spanish region of Catalonia sent Spain into its worst domestic political crisis since Franco. Is the Catalonia crisis a special case? Researcher Carsten Humlebæk will attempt to put the Catalonian crisis into a broader context.

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The strange world of pricing
One of the main messages in External Lecturer Martin Jarmatz’s lecture is that people and companies behave irrationally when it comes to pricing products. He will also show how pricing strategies affect consumer perceptions.

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For more information please contact:

The book a researcher secretariat at: or: +45 2440 9759

Journalist Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen, CBS Communications




The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/20/2021