CBS in January

Human Resource Management in the year 2016, servitisation as a competitive strategy and welfare creation is among the subjects you can hear more about at CBS in January.

HRM conference: Tribute to Henrik Holt Larsen
Expansion through servitisation
When welfare is created at the edge of society's conventions
Frontpage photo: Jakob Boserup

HRM conference: Tribute to Henrik Holt Larsen
Human Ressource Management first made an impact in the  80s, but where is the discipline headed as a research area and in practice? The HRM conference is a tribute to expert and Professor Henrik Holt Larsen and his considerable and long-standing contribution to HRM in Denmark. HRM in the year 2016 will be debated and reviewed from different perspectives by practitioners and researchers.

Time and place:
12 January 14:00-18:30
The Kiln Hall, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg
Read more about the event.

Expansion through servitisation
Services to a physical product, servitisation, can be a competitive strategy to increase competitiveness and help businesses expand. Many relevant questions will be discussed at this research seminar, introduced by Professor Christer Karlsson. Professor Andy Neely with the University of Cambridge will give a presentation on value creation through customer service. He is recognised for his work in servitisation and performance measurement/management. The research seminar is part of the Servitisation project, which is funded by the Danish Industry Foundation.
Time and place:
19 January 10:00-11:30
K1.43, Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
When welfare is created at the edge of society's conventions
New perspectives on welfare creation and welfare management will be examined at this debate organised in cooperation between CBS, DJØF Publishing and prominent individuals working to renew public values. The debate will be moderated by Preben Molander, Professor at CBS, and will include Steen Hildebrandt, Adjunct Professor, Jonas Norgaard Mortensen, Director of the Institute of Relation Psychology, and Preben Brandt, psychiatrist and founder of the foundation "Udenfor", who will give presentations for the debate on the welfare creation of the future after the competitive state.
Time and place:
20 January 16:00-19:30
Ks43, Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
PhD defence at CBS in January
18 January
22 January
The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017