About CBS Leadership Centre

CBS Leadership Centre equips present and future leaders to set direction and create results through others and in collaboration. Our aim is to put a light on the type of leadership that has developed in the Nordic countries and encourage leadership principles that build on involvement and participation.

Photo: Emma E. Fanøe (2023)


Good and responsible leadership is key to value creation and prosperity in companies and organizations. And it is crucial for the ability of businesses and the public sector to successfully assume their growing responsibility for responding to societal challenges that face Denmark and the planet as a whole. The CBS Leadership Centre wants to facilitate these advancements in leadership practise, and it is a key component in CBS ambition to take responsibility for societal challenges on both a local and a global scale.

With the CBS Leadership Centre, CBS wants to make CBS the Nordic Centre for leadership knowledge and inspiration by strengthening and mobilizing CBS leadership research, education and outreach.


CBS Leadership Centre is a meeting place for leadership researchers and business professionals in Denmark as well as internationally. We assemble, strengthen and communicate CBS leadership research and we facilitate interaction with practitioners in the private and the public sector – to inspire the transformation that is needed to address important societal agendas of sustainability, digitalization, diversity and much more.

Combining business economics and an understanding of societal dynamics is at the core of CBS, and every day, we educate future and current leaders to set direction and deliver results in cooperation with others. The CBS Leadership Centre draws from this pool of knowledge and interaction. We work cross-disciplinary and bring together capabilities from all levels of our organization.


CBS Leadership Centre is a portal for accessing leadership research and knowledge produced in different areas of our university.

We post articles, podcasts and events that promote leadership learning and inspiration, and inspire partnering and cross-disciplinary collaboration across knowledge centres at CBS.


The Team

Marie Louise Mors

Academic Co-Director

Professor, Department of Strategi and Innovation


Louise is professor of Strategic and International Management and Academic Co-Director of the CBS Leadership Centre.


Louise has more than twenty years’ experience with research in the area of strategy, organization and leadership. Her latest research focuses on board dynamics. At CBS she teaches courses in, amongst others, Global Leadership and Strategy.

Silviya Svejenova Velikova

Academic Co-Director

Professor, Department of Organization


Silviya is professor of Leadership and Innovation and Academic Co-Director of the CBS Leadership Centre.


Silviya has more than twenty years’ experience with research in the area of organization, innovation, and leadership. Her latest research focuses on C-suite transformation and creative leadership for sustainable futures. At CBS she teaches courses in, amongst others, Strategy and Identity.

Eva Fog Bruun

Center Director, CBS Leadership Center


Eva Fog Bruun is heading the CBS Leadership Initiative. With +20 years of experience working with business development, marketing and branding primarily in the private sector and a solid background as a leadership practitioner, Eva is bridging the academic approach with the perspectives of the business professional.


Eva is also an external lecturer at the Department of Marketing at CBS.

Casper Nicolas Friis Bruun

Student Assistant

Department of Organization | CBS Leadership Centre


Casper holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and organizational communication from CBS and is currently pursuing a master's degree in the same field. At CBS Leadership Centre, he contributes to website development, organizing and executing events, as well as various communication tasks. His passion for communication and organizational processes drives him to create effective and engaging solutions.


The page was last edited by: CBS Leadership Centre // 10/18/2024