CBS research in Børsen Ledelse

CBS Leadership Centre has established a partnership with Børsen, where CBS reserachers connect high quality reserach to current issues.

Once a month, researchers from CBS write a column in 'Børsen Ledelse', giving readers a current and research-based perspective on the challenges faced by managers. Most of the columns are in Danish. Please reach out to the researchers if you are interested in learning more about the research in question.

September 2024: Overlooked potentials in B2B software startups

The collaboration between founders, authorities, and companies in Danish industrial clusters is crucial for promoting successful software startups.

Original: Sådan udnyttes overset potentiale i B2B-software-startups (Danish column in Børsen Ledelse)

English: How to Harness the Overlooked Potential in B2B Software Start-ups

Written by Associate Professor Mercedes Delgado

August 2024: Sustainability

How can companies continue to maintain solutions that work in the short term while developing long-term strategies for a sustainable future?

Written by PostDoc Jonathan Feddersen, Assistant Professor Miriam Feuls, Professor Tor Hernes, PostDoc Sunny Mosangzi Xu, Professor Majken Schultz and Kasper Thy Søndberg

Original: Fire fællestræk hos virksomheder til en bæredygtig fremtid (Danish column in Børsen Ledelse)

English: Four common features of sustainability-driven companies 

May 2024: Supply chain

We should stop thinking solely in terms of individual companies and instead focus on supply chains.

The leaders of the future are supply chain savvy

Written by Associate Professor Andreas Wieland and Assistant Professor Philip Beske-Janssen

April 2024: Researchers and innovation

Embrace the researcher's mindset

Working with researchers can be demanding, but they possess a range of qualities that are valuable and attractive in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and uncertain for businesses and organisations: Persistence, collaboration, and the ability to manage uncertainty.

Written by Professor Signe Vikkelsø, Professor Alan Irwin, and Post.doc. Sunny Mosangzi Xu at CBS

February 2024: Women in Leadership

How does the presence of women on boards influence board dynamics and firm outcomes?

“Women improve decision-making on boards”

HWritten by Professor Marie Louise Mors, Department of Strategy and Innovation, CBS, and Professor Margarethe F. Wiersema, University of California, Irvine

January 2024: Leading for diversity

We are not as inclusive as we think we are... but we can be

We often overestimate the level of inclusion in our organisations. We believe that we hire and promote people solely because of their education, experience, skills and performance. We do not...

Written by Professor Sara Louise Muhr and Associate Professor Poornima Luthra, Department of Organization at CBS

December 2023: Leading AI-projects

Leaders need to extend hope when AI projects fail to deliver on promises

What happens when new, hyped technology can't deliver the expected results? Leaders don't abandon projects – they prolong the hope that one day they will deliver

Written by Associate Professor Ursula Plesner and Associate Professor Frank Meier, Department of Organization at CBS

November 2023: Stewardship

Responsible ownership is key to leading for sustainability

More than ever before, short-termism is perceived as a problem for the development of a sustainable business community – i.e. a business community that is willing to engage in the green transition and in the fight against inequality, poverty and hunger, as highlighted in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This is why stewardship – responsible long-term ownership – is key to sustainability in business

Written by Associate Professor at CBS Centre for Corporate Governance Nikolaos Kavadis

October 2023: Strategies on wage

Do companies cut wages or lay off workers during an economic crisis?

What are the usual strategies behind dismissal decision in times of economic crisis?

Written by Associate Professor Birthe Larsen, Department of Economics at CBS

September 2023: Leading for cybersecurity

New EU cybersecurity regulations: Leaders have one year to get ready

It's about time for business leaders to realize that cybersecurity isn't a task that can be delegated to IT. It is the responsibility of top management to develop strategies and establish a corporate culture that prioritizes cybersecurity.

Written by Postdoc. Johann Ole Willers at Department of Organization and Assistant Professor Jan Lemnitzer at Department of digitalization, CBS

August 2023: Organizing of Takeback 

Companies must improve their take-back strategies

More demands on sustainability and reduced consumption of resources require new organizational setup in companies - or partnerships with external actors

Written by Professor Torben Pedersen and Postdoc Rasmus Jørgensen, Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS

June 2023: PSYchological safety for leaders 

When topmanagers cry - Psychological safety and emotional leadership

Emotions have taken over worklife, and today, topmanagers are obliged to take the employee vulnerability into account. But research shows that topmanagers are challenged by the need for them to show compassion while at the same being decisive. 

Written by Associate Professor Pernille Steen Pedersen, Institut for Business Humanities and Law at CBS

May 2023: Recruiting for top management positions

Denmark is waisting talent

Denmark will misses out on growth and value if the business community continues to recruit from only one half of the talents to top positions.

Written by Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen, Departnent of finanse at CBS

April 2023: Geopolitics

How to weather geopolitical storms - From Russia and beyond


Maersk left. Ecco stayed and Carlsberg will only be out of Russia in 2023. Why were there such different reactions after the invasion of Ukraine? And what lessons can business leaders learn from the current geopolitical turmoil for future investments abroad?

Written by Larissa Rabbiosi, Michael Mol and Grazia Santangelo - Professors at the Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS

The column is based on the recently published article "Should I Stay or Should I Go? How Danish MNEs in Russia Respond to a Geopolitical Shift" which can be accessed here

March 2023: Trust

Lack of shared understanding of trust makes it hard to make reforms work

The government wants to implement the most comprehensive liberalisation of the public sector in the history of the welfare state. But the government is messing with its concepts of trust, which is one of the reasons why it may be difficult to deliver results.

Written by Steen Valentin, Assosciate Professor at the Sustainability Center, CBS Department for Management, Society and Communication

The column is based on the book "Trust, Power and Public Sector Leadership: A Relational Approach" which can be accessed here

February 2023: Leadership dilemmas

Dilemmas have become a standard challenge - new digital tool can help managers make the right decision

Choosing between several options has become a standard challenge for managers in 2023. A new dilemma index can help managers make the right decision, writes CBS centre director and CBS professor in this column. 

Written by Eva Fog Bruun, Centre Director at the CBS Leadership Centre, and Thomas Ritter, Professor at the CBS Department of Strategy and Innovation

Read more about the Leadership Dilemma Index here

January 2023: Nordic Nine

Leaders of the future must navigate nine new competences

How do we equip young people to lead themselves and others in the future? In collaboration with the business community, CBS has defined nine competences, the Nordic Nine, which enable young people to navigate in an increasingly complex world and take responsibility for the development of companies and society.

Written by Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and Inger Askehave, President and Deputy President at CBS

The page was last edited by: CBS Leadership Centre // 10/18/2024