December 2023 - Developing and selecting leaders
Paper 1. Shaping Organizational Performance via Bottom-up Voice and Top-down Vetting in Managerial Selection: Evidence from the Educational Sector
By Thomaz Teodorovicz (CBS), Samina Karim (Northeastern University) & Monica Higgins (Harvard University)
Paper 2. Elevating managers – Examining the anthropotechniques of a business simulation
By Esben Langager Olsen (Novo Nordisk) & Johan Simonsen Abildgaard (CBS)
June 2023 - The implications of human capital
Paper 1. Cognitive ability, non-cognitive ability, and employee mobility: Evidence from Swedish microdata
By Ali Mohammadi, Pooyan Khashabi, Tobias Kretschmer, & Joseph Raffiee
Paper 2. Not just a woman or a man: How board faultlines and overlap between CEO and female directors’ characteristics affect firm performance
By Sabina Nielsen & Morten Huse