Study and research tools

Library recommends


Mendeley is a reference management software that allows you to maintain a personal library of literature and create in-text citations and bibliographies on the fly. You can also read and annotate PDF documents, both online, offline, and via the Mendeley app.
Free access

Qualtrics XM

Qualtrics XM is a professional tool for conducting surveys. It can help you collect, analyze, and present quantitative data.
Campus + remote access

More options


BrowZine is an exciting service that lets you explore, read and follow the best academic journals. Use it on your computer or download the app for your phone or tablet. You'll never run out of good stuff to read.
Campus + remote access


Database of more than 24 million images, illustrations, and videos. CBS students and staff may download up to 30 images each per month for educational use. To download images, you need to create an account with Colourbox. Use the license keys on or CBSshare.
Campus + remote access

Essential Science Indicator

Analytical tool for measuring and comparing the impact/performance of individuals, institutions (i.e. universities), countries, and journals across 22 scientific fields.
Campus + remote access

Are you looking for grants or fundraising? is an online platform for finding foundations and grants.

Journal Citation Reports

Will help you determine journal "impact factor" and identify the most frequently cited journals in a given field. Useful when planning a publication strategy.
Campus + remote access


Keenious can search for literature using your prose texts. This way Keenious makes it easy to explore new and unfamiliar topics and find valuable sources.
Campus + remote access


NVivo helps you analyse qualitative data using a range of search and visualisation tools.
Campus + remote access - (registration needed for access)


Who cites whom? Identify connections in English-language scholarly literature based on references and citations.
Campus + remote access