Department of Business Humanities and Law

Farewell Reception - Professor Mette Mønsted

After more than 30 years at CBS Mette Mønsted has decided to retire from her formal duties

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 15:00 to 17:00

After more than 30 years at CBS Mette Mønsted has decided to retire from her formal duties to a position as Emeritus Professor. Mette’s long commitment and contribution to CBS in various capacities has made her a highly appreciated and resourceful colleague across the school and therefore it is with great pleasure we invite colleagues, partners, friends, and family to a farewell reception on

Wednesday, November 6, from 15:00-17:00
at MPP, Porcelænshaven 18B, 3rd floor

Mette Mønsted is a sociologist (1971) with a PhD from CBS (1985). Her research has been on development research in East Africa in the 70es, then focusing on small business research in the 80es. Since then the focus has been on high tech firms, networks and collaborations, innovation and research management, knowledge management, and entrepreneurship. Mette Mønsted has been head of department of MPP, head of the doctoral school, and recently Vice dean at CBS for entrepreneurship. She has been participating in the national research council on social science, and strategic research councils committees as well as several international research committees.

The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 10/08/2013