Exemptions and special educational support

Read more about exemptions and special educational support and find out how to apply for it.

Exemptions - Dispensation

You can apply for a dispensation to be exempted from a particular rule, if you believe there are special circumstances in your case that have affected your situation with regards to the rule. A dispensation is always individually assessed on a case by case basis and never sets a precedent.

Remember: your personal and specific situation is always used as the starting point in the assessment of every application for dispensation and the list below is, therefore, merely a guide.

The deadline for applications for exemption is 15 March 12:00 (CET). Answers to applications are given no later than 28 July.


Special Educational Support (SPS)

Do you have a disability such as dyslexia, anxiety, autism, ADHD, long-term effects of concussion or another physical, psychological or neurological disability? Then you have the opportunity to apply for Special Educational Support (SPS), which is special support and service aids provided for students with a disability.

Apply for an early answer 
In some cases, we will be able to pre-admit you so that you receive an answer to your application a little before the standard answer letters are sent out at the end of July. That way there will be more time to get the aids or support you may need.

Read more about how to apply for an early answer

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 04/15/2024