Exemptions - Dispensation
You can apply for a dispensation to be exempted from a particular rule, if you believe there are special circumstances in your case that have affected your situation with regards to the rule. A dispensation is always individually assessed on a case by case basis and never sets a precedent.
Remember: your personal and specific situation is always used as the starting point in the assessment of every application for dispensation and the list below is, therefore, merely a guide.
The deadline for applications for exemption is 15 March 12:00 (CET). Answers to applications are given no later than 28 July.
To be accepted to an undergraduate programme, you must fulfil all the entry requirements for the programme, including the specific entry requirements and grade requirements.
If you do not fulfil the English, French, German or Spanish language requirement for a programme, but believe you have a sufficient level, you can take a language test. See the appropriate tests under
alternative ways to fulfil the specific entry requirements.You can apply for recognition of academic qualifications if you have obtained similar qualifications through an education, a course or similar. You apply for our recognition that your qualifications correspond to the academic level we require. We provide recognition of academic qualifications based on specific activities you can document.
Good grades in the same lower-level subjects, or relevant high-level subjects that are not part of the entry requirements, are not sufficient. If you have been prevented from taking one or more subjects due to unusual circumstances, we cannot exempt you from the entry requirements.
If you receive recognition of academic qualifications, please note that this only applies to CBS, and only in 2024.
CBS Admission does not use other universities' recognition of academic qualifications in our assessment.
The deadline for applying for recognition of academic qualifications is 15 March 12:00 (CET).
Please note that you will not receive an individual response to your application for recognition of academic qualifications. If the application cannot be accepted, you will receive a letter regarding non-fulfillment of specific entry requirements no later than 28 July.
CBS Admission rarely gives recognition of academic qualifications!
The form for recognition of academic qualifications
Applying after the deadline
If your application at Optagelse.dk is not completed by 12 noon on the deadline day at the very latest, your application will not be taken into consideration. By completed, we mean that:
- Applicants with a Danish CPR number have signed and approved their application using MitID via Optagelse.dk
- Applicants without a Danish CPR number have printed, signed, scanned and email the relevant signatures pages to bacheloradmission@cbs.dk
It is extremely rare that dispensation for applying after the deadline is granted.
Submitting documentation after deadline
Your application will not be processed until all the correct documentation has been uploaded to your application at Optagelse.dk, within the given deadline for documentation. If you wish to apply to submit documentation after the 5 July, then you must be able to outline special circumstances as to why you are unable to provide documentation before the given deadline. It is very seldom that such a dispensation is granted.
You can apply for this kind of exemption till 5th July, 12:00 noon (CET)
If you already have a Master’s degree, whether Danish or international, you can only be accepted to a bachelor programme if there are places available. As CBS has many more applicants than study spaces, you will need to apply for excemption from this rule, should these circumstances apply to your case.
In your application, you should clearly outline why you wish to change your field of studies, and why you do not wish to use your previously completed Master’s degree. You will also need to explain what you wish to achieve with your new bachelor degree. Exemption is rarely granted.
You can read more about the rules and regulations governing admission to bachelor programmes in Denmark here: Adgangsbekendtgørelsen §3
If you are seeking dispensation for other issues, you have to apply no later than the 15 March 12:00 noon CET.
If you wish to apply for dispensation from one or more rules at CBS, you will need to:
- Fill out the following Exemption form.
- Upload the form and if relevant documentation to your application at Optagelse.dk. Please call it 'Application for exemption'.
- Also send an email to bacheloradmission@cbs.dk and notify us that your application for exemption can be retrieved from Optagelse.dk.
The deadline for applying is 15 March 12:00 noon (CET).
Answers to applications are given no later than 28 July.
Special Educational Support (SPS)
Do you have a disability such as dyslexia, anxiety, autism, ADHD, long-term effects of concussion or another physical, psychological or neurological disability? Then you have the opportunity to apply for Special Educational Support (SPS), which is special support and service aids provided for students with a disability.
Apply for an early answer
In some cases, we will be able to pre-admit you so that you receive an answer to your application a little before the standard answer letters are sent out at the end of July. That way there will be more time to get the aids or support you may need.
Read more about how to apply for an early answer