International applicants

Find out whether you are qualified for admission with an international upper secondary education, and read more about the practical aspects of applying for admission as a non-EU/EEA citizen

Are you qualified?

The information on this page will help you find out if you are qualfied for admission to CBS bachelor programmes - in other words, if you fulfil the programmes' general entry requirement, specific entry requirements and language requirement.
In the table below we have included details about the most common types of international qualifications at upper secondary level.

The table indicates:

  • the name of the upper secondary exam needed to fulfil the general entry requirement for CBS bachelor programmes
  • the comparative levels for the different specific entry requirements
  • the minimum local grade needed to fulfil the specific entry requirements*
  • information about GPA (Grade Point Average) conversion, wherever possible
  • what documentation you need to upload to your application so we can assess your upper secondary qualifications
  • for certain countries or exams, if you must upload additional documentation for your hours and/or contents in specific courses; please use this PDF icon Verification form


Find your country

Find your country or international education to see if you fulfil CBS' entry requirements.

If your country isn't listed, read more under "Other international educations" > "Rest of the World".

You will likely need to pay an application fee and/or tuition fees. Check your status at the bottom of this page.


Application fee, Tuition fee and Resident Permit


Appraisal (pre-assessment)


The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 03/21/2025