
Meet Julian, a student from BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management

Why did I choose my programme?
I heard about BSc DM through a family friend who talked highly about the programme. I was looking for a programme that allowed me to explore something outside of just Business Administration, and since I had an interest in computer science prior to starting CBS, it felt like a perfect match. Why I chose CBS in general was also because of the international aspect and I thought it would be nice to meet people from other parts of the world. 

What do I like the best?
Beyond the combination of data and business administration, I genuinely appreciate the collaborative nature of BSc DM. While I can't speak for other programmes, I've found that BSc DMers are exceptionally supportive and helpful. For instance, if you miss a lesson, everyone is more than willing to share their notes. This makes school much more enjoyable, and it does not feel like you are competing against your classmates. 

What do I think is difficult?
I think the most difficult part about the programme is the 3-course setup that you have as a first year at DM. Having all exams at the end of the semester puts pressure on your planning and requires efficient independent study. It's tempting to think you can cram everything into the last two weeks before exams, but preparing in advance significantly eases the workload and reduces pre-exam stress. 

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
The programming part of the programme is flexible and can be as big or small as you want it to be. If you enjoy coding, you can choose quantitative methods in the second semester, choose electives that are coding heavy or get involved by joining coding clubs on campus. If it's not your thing, you can just complete the required classes and select qualitative methods in the second semester or choose other electives in the fifth semester that suit you better. There's no need to stress – focus on what interests you!

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
I'm not sure about my plans now, but the idea of doing a master's at CBS is very exciting. But maybe taking a break in between studies is a good idea, so I think I'd like to work at a company abroad for a year. Travelling for work and experiencing a new culture is an exciting prospect. If not for working but just travelling in general would be nice. I like to surf so I think I will be doing that.

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
Find a good study group early on, if possible. I find that studying with a good group makes learning more fun and easier. It motivates me to attend classes, and I learn more by discussions. about the programme, and you tend to stay more updated about the programme and school if you study with a group. Also, if you don't understand something from the lecture, there's a good chance someone else can explain it to you.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 09/16/2024