Fremtidens eksperter: ”Min forskning vil være et gennembrud for landmænd, der mangler arbejdskraft”

’Fremtidens eksperter’ er en serie, hvor vi i kort format præsenterer nogle af de yngre forskere på CBS. Hvad forsker de i, og hvem er de? I dag møder vi ph.d.-studerende Alexandra Hettich fra Institut for Digitalisering. Alexandra Hettich er en del af det tværfaglige forskningsprojekt HERD, som udvikler robotter og droner. Hendes forskning er en banebrydende og hjælpende hånd til erhverv, som mangler arbejdskraft – for eksempel landbruget.


What is the focus of your thesis? 

I’m currently part of the interdisciplinary project HERD (Human-Multi-Robot Interaction in Search & Rescue and in Agriculture), which, in brief, focuses on developing new technologies such as robots and drones. We collaborate with two other universities and the two companies ROBOTTO and AgroIntelli, which plays a large part in our research: On the one hand, companies wish to expand and develop their technology, and on the other, they give us a great opportunity to observe them and ask them questions. 

How can your knowledge benefit others? 

My research will extend a helping hand to the agricultural sector. The population is ageing, and some industries lack manpower. The technology I do research in is really going to make a difference: The robots they develop will be able to sow and weed. This should prove a breakthrough for farmers as they would not need as many employees working in the field. Hopefully, they will have an automatic helper.

Who is your greatest inspiration?

It is impossible for me to emphasise only one. I work in a great environment at the Department of Digitalization, surrounded by extremely professional researchers. It is inspiring and safe, and I enjoy being part of it. 

What do you consider the most important discovery within your field of research? 

I found it eye-opening to discover how people and technology mutually influence one another. It’s not just us as the receivers of the technology, we also choose how to implement it in the workplace. So, we shape it and are shaped by it at the same time. I find that extremely fascinating. 

Read more about Alexandra Hettich

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/16/2024