CBS researcher appointed Chair: “I look forward to connecting with leaders to explore how organisations can thrive while tackling societal challenges”
Thomaz Teodorovicz is not someone who is only interested in abstract theories about management. His research deals with the concrete challenges facing both the business world and society. The same goes for his teaching.
“Thomaz Teodorovicz is both a remarkable researcher and an inspiring teacher. As a lecturer, he has a unique ability to make the learning process come alive and relevant by taking his point of departure in subjects that the students can really relate to. It makes him an invaluable resource both for CBS and the future generations of leaders,” says Keld Laursen, Head of the Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS, where Thomaz works.
The appointment to CBS Executive Fonden Assistant Professor applies for a five-year period and has been made possible through support from the CBS Executive Fonden. The chair program is designed to strengthen research and education at CBS by attracting and retaining global top talent through the establishment of special research positions.
“At CBS, we are interested in creating the framework to support talented researchers early in their career that will allow them to unfold their potential and contribute to important progress that will benefit both business and society,” says Søren Hvidkjær, Dean of Research at CBS.
What can leaders do?
Thomaz conducts research on how organisations can combine their pursuit for superior performance with providing solutions to pressing societal challenges. Specifically, he studies the value of human capital and education and how it can be integrated into business strategies. His goal is to enable organisational leaders in their pursuit for superior organisational performance in ways that also create a positive societal impact. His research examines, for instance, how investments in employees can generate economic value to firms while also fostering stronger firm-worker relationships, how for-profit businesses and non-profit organisations can utilise trends that are highly relevant in the future-of-work – such as teleworking – to their advantage, and how leaders combine commercial and social objectives as they develop strategies for their organisations. He is particularly interested in how education and personal development can help leaders navigate a labour market that is changing faster than ever before and that requires further business engagement with technology and societal challenges.
“I am deeply honoured to have received this appointment and grateful for the support offered by CBS Executive Fonden. I look forward to establishing new connections to business leaders in Denmark (and abroad) to examine how their organisations can thrive while simultaneously dealing with important societal challenges. This opportunity affords me the possibility of continuing my examination of questions that might make a difference to the business world, society and academia,” says Thomaz Teodorovicz.
His research has been published in renowned journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science and Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. His work has also been mentioned in media such as The New York Times, Fortune, CBS News, Business Insider, Inc., Vox Technology, the podcast MarketWatch and Harvard Business Review online. Thomaz has been a researcher at the Harvard Business School, a visiting faculty at INSEAD, and a research fellow at , SDA Bocconi School of Management and Insper Metrics. His contribution to research, teaching and strategic management has received much recognition.
CBS Executive Foundation supports the leaders of the future
The appointment is not only a result of Thomaz Teodorovicz's academic achievements but also a signal of how CBS, in collaboration with the CBS Executive Fonden, aims to be a driving force in developing future leaders and creating a strong connection between research and practice.
“We are very proud to be able to support researchers like Thomaz, who works on subjects of great relevance to the business world and society. It is our ambition to become the Nordic lighthouse of excellent executive education. Through a combination of research and practice, we develop leaders in order to create sustainable changes for people and organisations – and it is exactly here that we need research talents to help us underpin this development,” says Anne Marie Jess Hansen, CEO of CBS Executive Fonden.
CBS Executive Fonden is a business foundation, established by Copenhagen Business School in 1991. The purpose of the foundation is to advance the bridge building between practice and research by way of developing executive education that combines academic insight with experiences from the business world. As part of its work, Fonden both reinvests its profits in research, and it supports talent development at CBS by way of the Chair Programme.
CBS Executive Fonden is one of the strongest actors, when it comes to the advancement of the bridge building between research and the business world. As a business foundation, it not only focuses on the development of executive education, it also invests in research that will create concrete solutions to societal challenges. The Chair Programme, which has enabled the appointment of Thomaz Teodorovicz, is a concrete step in the direction of ensuring that CBS will still be able to attract and retain global research talents – and thus, help generate knowledge that will make a difference.