Work Environment

Our Department has a working environment that is positive, inclusive, supportive, and rewarding. The following are some of the things that characterize our working environment.

  • We fully embrace norms of equality and diversity. All faculty members are treated fairly and equally. No faculty member is treated differently due to ethnic background, gender, disability, religion, belief, sexual orientation, age, and so forth. No forms of bullying, harassment, or victimization are tolerated.
  • Whenever possible, resources are provided to help faculty members develop to their full potential.
  • Our governance structure and processes and our committees within the Department all have been discussed, revised, and agreed on through a consultation process within the Department, and then incorporated into the Department’s strategy document.
  • We have ensured that each of our committees reflect the rich diversity (age, sex, nationality, and seniority/experience) of our faculty.
  • The Department supports individual faculty members (e.g., through individual research budgets). However, the Department also supports groups of faculty members (e.g., financial support to writing clubs and research clusters).
  • During yearly personal development conversations (and half time between these conversations), faculty members will receive clear feedback about their detailed personal research plans. These plans should detail how the faculty members plan to achieve their required publication output.
  • All staff have an opportunity to work with a mentor, who may be from the Department but also could be external, to offer advice, comments, and suggestions on issues that the mentee wants to discuss.
  • The Department will encourage and support individual faculty members who want to form a research funding application-writing club. A research project probably should be presented first in a brown-bag seminar, before entering the research funding application writing club circle.
The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 10/28/2020