Partners and Outreach

The Department of Marketing has a long tradition of working with partners in Danish industry and Government. As our faculty has become more international, our partners have become international. We constantly strive to make our research and teaching relevant to society by working with key partners. Below is a list of some of the partners with whom we work/have worked:

Berlingske Tidende: Professor (mso) Ricky Wilke is a jury member for the annual “Årets CMO” award.

Bielefeld Marketing GmbH: Implementation of participatory place-branding management approach. CBS contact: Associate Professor Sebastian Zenker.

CO-RO A/S: Implementation of an eye-tracking system as part of the company’s visual strategy and in-store marketing. CBS contact: Associate Professor Jesper Clement.

Danish Design Center: Associate Professor Richard Gyrd-Jones secured joint funding of an industrial Ph.D. studentship on brand-based innovation: relational perspectives on brand logics and design innovation strategies and implementation.

Danish Food Think Tank (Danish: Måltidstænketanken): Professor Torben Hansen was a member appointed by the Minister for Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries. He also advised on the methodology for a survey of Danes’ food culture, a survey that was carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark.

Danmarks Radio: Associate Professor Tore Kristensen undertook joint co-operation of studies on the Borgen, a TV drama for DK Drama/Medieforskning.

Dansk DetailForum: Professor (mso) Ricky Wilke is a jury member for annual “Årets detailist” award.

Dansk Markedsføring: Professor Adam Lindgreen is a jury member for the “Dansk Marketingsforsknings Pris” award.

DEA: Professor (mso) Ricky Wilke works with DEA in its mission to spread knowledge from higher-education institutions to industry as a member of the board on DEA’s “Service Platform” and “Dansk Marketing.”

E-mærket: Professor Torben Hansen assisted E-mærket in forming a new consumer online logo relating to the transportation of goods and services purchased on the Internet.

iMotions (Biometric Research Platform): In the context of implementation of on-line educational tools, Associate Professor Jesper Clement works on the external (ecological) validity through testing of biometric measures.

Københavns Kommune: Implementation of circular economy in the public sector. CBS contact: Associate Professors Jesper Clement and Niels Kornum.

Lebendige Stadt foundation: Funding of the research project “Changing destination image: the impact of the refugee crisis on city tourism: the case of Munich, Germany.” CBS contact: associate professor Sebastian Zenker.

LEGO A/S: Research project on processes of brand and stakeholder identity. CBS contact: Associate Professor Sylvia von Wallpach.

MarketCommunity: Professor Adam Lindgreen is a jury member of the “Marketingtransformationsprisen”.

Marketing Law Revision Committee: Professor Torben Hansen was a member appointed by the Minister for Business and Growth.

New Zealand Food Safety Science and Research Centre: Professor Adam Lindgreen sits on the center’s scientific advisory panel with the role of helping to strengthen further New Zealand’s food safety science and research capabilities. 

Nykredit: Professor Torben Hansen worked with Nykredit on developing consumer advice for managing personal finances.

Riis Retail: Associate Professor Tore Kristensen obtained joint funding of an industrial Ph.D. studentship on methods for studying the influence of store atmospheres on displayed products.

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority: Report on consumer mortgage behavior. CBS contact: Professor Torben Hansen.

The Danish Consumer Council (Forbrugerrådet Tænk): Professor Torben Hansen assisted on various occasions in analyzing and understanding consumer behavior and the consumer marketplace.

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority: Professor Torben Hansen contributed to a better understanding of consumer mortgage behavior.

The Research Council for Culture and Society of the Academy of Finland: Professor Torsten Ringberg is the chair of one of the business committees in the 2017 call and served as a committee member in the 2016 call that recommends funding of Academy Research Fellows, Postdoctoral Researchers and new Academy Projects. In all, the Research Council ended up funding projects for 50 million euros based on recommendations by business committees.

Varefakta (The Danish Institute for Informative Labelling): Professor Torben Hansen assisted Varefakta in improving its understanding of consumers’ use of information and their decision processes.


The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024