Department of Marketing

Research Expertise

Researcher name & field(s) of expertise

Mogens Bjerre, Associate Professor

  • Fast moving consumer goods
  • Brands and branding
  • Sales management

Erik Braun, Associate Professor

  • Tourism management (including over-tourism)
  • Understanding tourist behavior (including crisis situations)
  • Place marketing
  • Place branding (including destination branding)
  • Interplay between public and private stakeholders in (place) branding
  • (Place) Brand complexity
  • Marketing and branding retailing areas and real estate
  • Quantitative methods (including structural equation modeling)

Bo Christensen, Professor with special responsibilities (MSO)

  • Creative cognition; creative processes
  • Design thinking
  • Evaluation of creativity
  • Analogical reasoning, mental simulation
  • Idea selection in product development

Anna-Bertha Heerup Christensen, PhD Fellow

  • Influencer marketing
  • Branding
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Social media
  • Practice theory

Jesper Clement, Associate Professor

  • Consumer behavior – non-conscious and repeated decision making
  • Visual impact on interpretation and decision
  • Biometric research methods – eye-tracking, EEG, GSR
  • Experimental research design

Antonia Erz, Associate Professor

  • Human and consumer behavior in online environments and social media
  • Online self-branding, social media influencers
  • Consumer information-processing, consumer learning of (novel) information and branded, innovative product

Sylvia Gyimothy, Associate Professor

  • Place marketing, place-making and branding
  • Sharing economy and communitarian value creation
  • Mediatized travel (e.g. screen and popular culture tourism)
  • Cruise tourism and urban tourism mobility
  • Translocal flows and tourism development

Torben Hansen, Professor

  • Consumer behaviour
  • Marketing research methods (Applied Statistics)

Richard Jones, Professor with special responsibilites (MSO)

  • Brand management
  • Corporate branding
  • Brand value & meaning
  • Branding in social media
  • Brand eco-systems
  • Branding in new ventures
  • B-to-B branding

Ad de Jong, Professor

  • Frontline marketing
  • Frontline employees
  • Sales/service teams
  • Sales/service innovation
  • Marketing research methods (e.g., multivariate statistics, multilevel regression analysis).

Alexander Josiassen, Professor & Centre Director

  • Cross-cultural and international marketing
  • Consumer behavior
  • Marketing theory and marketing strategy
  • Quantitative modelling
  • Service research
  • Tourism and hospitality management

Selma Kadic-Maglailic, Associate Professor

  • Interpersonal influence, emotions, and ethics in selling and sales management, 
  • Innovation and export growth in B2B contexts
  • The role of emotions in consumer decision-making process

Florian Kock, Associate Professor

  • Evolutionary psychology
  • Embodied cognition
  • Consumer behavior and psychology
  • International and cross-cultural marketing
  • Branding
  • Tourism research
  • Quantitative modelling

Marina Leban, Post Doc

  • Luxury consumption
  • Social media
  • Influencer marketing
  • Consumer culture

Adam Lindgreen, Professor 

  • Business and industrial marketing
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • Genealogy (methodological issues in genealogy, accounts of population development, and particular family lineages)
  • Relationship marketing

Torsten Ringberg, Professor

  • Consumer embodied cognition
  • Strategic positioning
  • Consumers and managers’ subconscious processing and mindsets
  • Socio-cultural investigations of consumer identity creation and interpretive communities
  • Strategic simulation games
  • Strategic handling of Big Data, platforms, and co-creation

Gülen Sarial-Abi, Associate Professor

  • Consumer behavior
  • Branding
  • Psychological threats
  • Regulations and restrictions

Tobias Schäfers, Associate Professor

  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketing
  • Service research
  • Access-based services
  • Digitalization of customer-company interactions, pricing, and sales.

Leticia Bedolin Sebastiao, PhD Fellow

  • Consumer Behaviour

Edlira Shehu, Associate Professor

  • Marketing analytics
  • Communication and advertising effectiveness
  • Non-profit marketing
  • Innovation management

Seidi Suurmets, Post Doc

  • Consumer neuroscience, psychology and neuroeconomics
  • Application of eye-tracking and biometric sensors (EEG, GSR) in marketing research
  • The effect of marketing stimuli in retail settings

Diana Storm, Teaching Associate Professor

  • Business-to-consumer marketing
  • Consumer behavior
  • Market research methods

Thyra Uth Thomsen, Professor with special responsibilities (MSO)

  • Interpretive consumer research
  • Identity construction
  • Transitional consumption
  • Consumer happiness and well-being

Karin Tollin, Associate Professor

  • Leadership
  • Innovation management
  • Sustainability
  • Brand management

Boris Uzelac, Assistant Professor

  • Decision-making in marketing and management
  • Organizational success factors
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Mergers and acquisitions

Michel Van der Borgh, Associate Professor

  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketing
  • Sales management, frontline employees, sales teams, frontline innovation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Marketing research methods (e.g., Bayesian analysis, process mining, multivariate statistics, multilevel regression analysis, grounded theory approach, design science research).

Claus Varnes, Associate Professor

  • Strategic management of innovation and entrepreneurial activities

Serena Wider, PhD Fellow

  • Consumer culture
  • Consumer cognition
  • Language construal and frame-switching
  • Brands and branding

Ricky Wilke, Professor with special responsibilies (MSO)

  • Market oriented management
  • Complaint management
  • Service marketing and management
  • B2B

Sebastian Zenker, Professor with special responsibilies (MSO)

  • Crisis management
  • Over-Tourism
  • Tourism and destination brands
  • Place marketing and branding (especially city branding)
  • Participatory place marketing
  • Brand complexity and brand management

Sylvia van Wallpach, Professor with special responsibilities (MSO)

  • Brands as social, processual phenomena
  • Multi-stakeholder brand co-creation
  • Brand experience
  • Cognitive brand representation and retrieval
  • Brand relationships and identity work over the life course and in life transitions
  • Experiential luxury and brands
  • Qualitative method development and comparison


The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 07/26/2024